Favorite team:Ole Miss 
Number of Posts:3350
Registered on:6/25/2021
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Too early to tell. People have short memories by nature.

re: Worst halftime show in history.

Posted by Rebbedup on 2/9/25 at 7:57 pm
Nailed it. That was awful.


Posted by Rebbedup on 2/9/25 at 12:48 am
I am a graduate of Ole Miss. So is my wife and kids. Not to mention my parents. Which means I’ve been educated to be honest about what I see. This was not a game to brag about.
Why do you guys take the bait from this guy? His takes are awful and he needs to do his homework and quit playing on a message board with grown ups.

That said we were beyond lucky to win this game. That charge against LSU at the end was awful. If it had happened to us I would be beyond pissed of
I just passed my Dad’s 80th Birthday. He has been gone 2 years. Talk to your Dad every day is my advice. I miss mine everyday.

We talked football, basketball and baseball every time we talked. Damn I miss that old guy.


Posted by Rebbedup on 2/8/25 at 10:28 pm
Better a pussy than an idiot. We got outplayed all night. Refs and luck got us out. Pusscake moron.


Posted by Rebbedup on 2/8/25 at 9:56 pm
We had no business winning this game. Period. LSU out hustled us the whole game. I can’t imagine bragging on this win like OP. Hell of an effort LSU and we didn’t deserve to win.

re: Saturday SEC Basketball

Posted by Rebbedup on 2/8/25 at 9:51 pm
Cry some more. We played awful and still pulled it out. LSU played better than us.
What are the winning percentages? That should dictate. Total wins can have more to do with eras as well as how long a coach lives and coaches.
Why are you or anyone else so absolute on this? Nothing will change. LSU may pay or may not. It won’t affect your coach or football program. Because that is the most important thing here.

I do have some experience with this and the horrible impacts on their lives. So the family may be in the wro

re: Ole Miss had one turnover tonight

Posted by Rebbedup on 2/5/25 at 1:52 am
Being a lifelong Ole Miss guy I don’t call us in until the end of February. We have doomed habits. Missouri however has been really good. I have never seen the conference this good top to bottom before. And what does that tell you about how good Auburn is right now?
And literally every time a football team sends linebackers and or cornerbacks on defense to rush the LOS. That is what blitz means.

re: How are the Hogs 1-6 in the SEC?

Posted by Rebbedup on 2/1/25 at 9:56 pm
Arkansas rolling right now. And UK cold.

re: Good game, Rebs.

Posted by Rebbedup on 2/1/25 at 9:42 pm
I dread going to Auburn later this month. They’re going to run us out of there. Too much talent at Auburn. They can beat you seven ways to Sunday. Just a great coach and great team.

re: Great first half by Arkansas…

Posted by Rebbedup on 2/1/25 at 9:39 pm
So far Arky playing a solid second half. Ain’t over yet. But worth the ticket price to watch.

re: Saturday SEC Basketball

Posted by Rebbedup on 2/1/25 at 9:30 pm
That stuff was awesome! That was a nut-rolling. Arky came to play tonight.

re: Check in for 20 wins

Posted by Rebbedup on 2/1/25 at 9:04 pm
Auburn is sick good. All we could do is take away the paint. So they just whipped us at the 3. A team like Ole Miss is just blue collar defensive guys. We need our opponents to get cold. Auburn doesn’t get cold.
It’s simple. Home ownership has been under assault by two groups. One is hedge fund groups buying up houses to rent out. The other are leftists who think we should live (crammed in together) in poor apartment buildings.

Oregon has shut down the building of single family housing. All it takes is
What we have learned is leftists cover up child predators. They even have renamed pedophilia. They are sickos. After Chernobyl all animals in the exclusion zone had to be executed and dumped in pits of concrete to protect future generations. That is what is unfortunately needed here. The difference

re: Red Bull all-in on Arch

Posted by Rebbedup on 1/31/25 at 1:48 am
I can’t disagree. He doesn’t have the nuts Eli had. With Cutcliffe’s recruiting Eli knew he wasn’t going to be surrounded by talent. Anything short of an SEC title/aNational title would be a disappointment. Texas has always been loaded. They get all the talent they want.