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Registered on:4/14/2021
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The hard part for me was seeing my loved one in a box, dressed up, looking like they were sleeping. And then seeing them moved into their grave. I hate everything funeral because of that. Funerals are not normal for me. I can't explain it. I understand people wanting "closure" but seeing your love...
This makes me sick. What they did. Their age. The boy not growing up with his mama. I hate this world sometimes. ...
My MIL is a damn nut and will not throw spices/seasoning away. She has nutmeg/cinnamon etc with expiration dates in the 70s and claims they never expire and will sprinkle that shite on food during the holidays. I get explosive diarrhea every few years after eating at her house so maybe thats why. ...
[quote]Dasaur and his wife, Viviana ZaMora, had just gotten married on June 29, a little over two weeks before his death. Why is this included? Completely irrelevant[/quote] Because the media always wants you to feel bad for the retard idiot in the story. ...
The sandwich was her vagine. YOU WILL EAT IT!...
They get crazy nuts every few weeks. Go buck wild for no damn reason... and wait until menopause. The shite literally hits the fan. And then they ask you to clean up the fan...
[quote]Are some people in Houston still without electricity? I honestly don’t know. I would have thought a lot of those lines in a city like Houston would be underground.[/quote] Got this email from Centerpoint late last night: "Crews continue to focus on restoring power. We understand your fr...
I think we have collapsed as a society already....socially. We let kids chop their dicks off, murderers go free with bond, anyone is walking right over our border, etc etc. We are more concerned with fighting. Black vs. white, man vs. woman, young vs. old, rich vs. poor. And the elites play us all a...
[quote]How is everyone this morning, Houston baws?[/quote] Getting the frick outta here. I'm not waiting 5+ days for these frickers to figure out how to get the power back on. Last night slept in a pool of my sweat. Houston needs to get its act together. This is happening too much. ...
[quote]is the internet still out for Owlie?[/quote] Who gives a flying motherfricking shite! ...
Mine was Alex Trebek. Grew up with that man on in the background in the afternoons at Grandma's house. Was sad he got pancreatic cancer and died so fast from it...

re: Car you drove in high school

Posted by CrappyPants on 6/26/24 at 5:08 pm
90 ford explorer that loved to blow up and spew smoke every few months...

re: 27 year old cirrhosis

Posted by CrappyPants on 6/26/24 at 5:07 pm
Stop drinking or drink non-alcohol beer. Heinekin makes one I believe. Also, could be gallbladder as well. You should get your GB scanned...
Why not just drink the cleaning chemicals under your sink? Jesus H. Christ. Meth? What the frick is wrong with you? :banghead:...
Its Katie. You idiot. You'd know that if you watched any of the trials. She's awesome. ...
Have no problem with Juneteenth. Its a big deal. End of Slavery. But what I do have an issue with is gay/tranny/pervert MONTH. frick off with all these tranny perversion flags. What happened to the old rainbow flag? What's with all the arrows and brown poo colors? Is that the pedophile/mental illness...

re: Questions for 50+ folks...

Posted by CrappyPants on 6/14/24 at 7:17 am
[quote]United States of America Member since Mar 2024 3096 posts Back to top 1.) At your age, what advice would you give yourself when you were in your 30's? -Do not stop moving your body. Work out, walk, run, swim, lift weights. You lose it faster as you age and it starts in your 30s. 2....