Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:Football, running
Number of Posts:223
Registered on:3/13/2021
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[quote]With exception to my daughter, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done.[/quote] You really should rephrase this....
Sundresses > pantsuits [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRQuHsKePUlc9eyyNHVcH8rLt_mJVyXAOvgtA&usqp=CAU[/img] [img]https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/45ad16d6-7e05-42b8-9373-710fcbc7fe23_1.2234b069aaee92d2ec7e5a24e80e8480.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=ffffff[/img]...
[quote]Let the free market decide and whatever is better shall win out.[/quote] One side has the entire weight of the government behind it. Free markets are dead....
We really need a white supremacy gif or emoji...
[quote] This laughably stupid if you take into account the energy used to produce transfer and store the energy for something as small as a car.[/quote] For one car, sure. It looks a lot better for thousands of cars or more....
$30 for a well done ribeye. I'd be pissed if I had to pay for that as well....
[quote]WPD plans to hold a press conference next week after investigators gather more information.[/quote] Conveniently just enough time to let this story fade from the media. ...
[quote][img]https://i.imgur.com/AtufPoo.jpg[/img][/quote] Looks more like a standard bell curve to me. If earlier activation truly correlated to better outcomes the super fast activation would have much better outcomes....
Sometimes you just gotta get your kids to mellow out, however it takes...
[quote]if you can't figure out hiw to get a free ID, you shouldn't be allowed out in public.[/quote] They're free for poor people? frick, why do I work again?...
Seeing naked dancers. If anything should be a god given ID free birthright, it should be that....

re: UCLA vs Gonzaga finish

Posted by Fortnight2Flat on 4/3/21 at 10:37 pm
Team of destiny. Crazy we get to see the best football team and best basketball team of all time in the same year....
[quote] think it is a pretty safe bet before calling the cops to escort him out they may have mentioned to him to either allow his temp to be taken or get the frick out[/quote] Uhh, it would not surprise me in the slightest to hear they called the police because the guy wouldn't let his temperatu...

re: Vegetable oils proven toxic

Posted by Fortnight2Flat on 4/3/21 at 7:22 pm
[quote]On a 2500 calorie diet that is more than 5 tbsp of vegetable oil per day.[/quote] So like, one piece of fried chicken?...
Their single biggest mistake was being concise with the language of the amendments and thinking their intent would be forever inherently understood....
Why are you having easter dinner on not easter?...
Like my pappy used to say, every day there are more millionaires than the day before and you never know what they are willing to pay through the nose for....