Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:517
Registered on:12/25/2020
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"Even big league parks have advertising all over the place. LSU could make the playing area appear much classier, though, by having a policy that forbids multi-color outfield wal[ ads.Just paint them all green with white lettering and logos."

I posted that more than a year ago when the planned re

fans are going to be pissed they cant stand on the bottom row and get autographs from players before and after games

In MLB, they've been lifting the netting in designated sections before games and letting people congregate there for autographs.

The netting isn't so dense, eith
The troll who wrote that article apparently is a radio guy in Argentina who writes an occasional column about American football.

Why do we feel we have to have a public debate here about Kelly every time one of these assclowns writes something like this?

Since it was circulated by msn.com it
Only one media member has been traveling to away games. Somebody named Toyloy Brown III apparently is the Advocate's beat reporter for LSU men's basketball.
I'm guessing he just meets with Matt McMahon outside the locker room door after games, asks 2-3 questions and they both call it a night.

I talked to Scott Drew once and told him I was from Baton Rouge, went to LSU, etc., and he had a tepid reaction at best. He said something about being "very young" when his family lived in BR -- he was, what, 5 years old when Homer Drew left? -- and had never really been back.

I wouldn't expect

It's a positive story poking at the anti-Kelly crowd and "unlikeable" narrative

I can read. Do you have a big enough brain to know the difference between getting played and getting trolled?

Moscona had him on his radio show and the writer -- somebody named Blake Toppmeyer -- sh
I'm tired of stories like this USA Today guy's. He's just another guy fishing for clicks.

It's a lazy story -- "Kelly doesn't fit, Kelly is unlikable, Kelly is overrated," blah blah blah.

It's trite. So no coach "fits" in the SEC unless he talks like he has a mouthful of marbles?

Kelly b
Woodward has spent a lot of money. A LOT.

Gotta be frugal somewhere, and I'm guessing men's basketball gets the short straw. He'll stick with McMahon till the bitter, cheap end.

Look into your crystal ball and envision five years from now.

The basketball Tigers are winning. Is the new arena full?

Of course it isn't. It isn't making money. It's just spending it.

That should answer the original poster's question. Woodward isn't backing up a basketball truck for an
We have a cat. I can't predict where he will be in five minutes, let alone Saturday. Cats are gonna cat.

But it's a good question. It's only Thursdays when he stays indoors while they're cleaning his habitat. On Saturdays I'd look for him in his pine straw along the fence nearest Bernie Moore St
Whiskey and Whine is impossible to watch for more than 5-10 minutes.

It's T-Bob at his teenaged worst -- high as a kite and vulgar just to be vulgar. I don't mind hearing the F-word when called for, but T-Bob goes way beyond. He dared some listener last week to go ahead and give his (Hebert's!)

Looks like they are still downvoting you.

The Rant is so predictable.


I also said Matt Canada was going to be a bust six months before he ever coached a game here and got the same downvote reaction.

The Rant doesn't like being told "Told ya so. "

She's the same player she was last year, only a year older and (it appears) in worse basketball shape.
She's just tall, that's all. She can't run, she can't guard anyone and, instead of blocking out, she always reaches over trying to get rebounds.

I wrote a year ago that I didn't see any upsid
Have you seen Curne's highlight videos?

It's like a horror movie -- and in the very best way. Play after play, he flattens the defenders and drives them into the ground. And sometimes further.
(There was one play that the refs let go, and Carius continued blocking a kid all the way to the bench

re: Baylor now favored

Posted by PurpleExile on 12/24/24 at 4:37 am
I happened to watch the Baylor version of that Locked On podcast network. They are downright giddy and think it's a chance to whip up on an SEC team. The guy spent most of the show cackling about all the LSU players who have opted out, gone into the transfer portal or declared for the NFL draft.
Every Notre Dame head coach since Lou Holtz was universally hated and disparaged for no defensible reason other than the Irish's history and preferred place in the college football pecking order.

Kelly is smart and speaks well. He answers the media's questions. I think he is a refreshingly diffe

Money always wins in the end.

Texas A&M, former employer of Jimbo Fisher: Hold my Shiner Bock.

re: Stadium design - noise level

Posted by PurpleExile on 12/20/24 at 11:02 am
Tiger Stadium is virtually vertical on all four sides.

It's like a valley....a Death Valley.

It's already optimized to enhance the sound.

I'd be interested to see what the decibel meters say on a Saturday night in Baton Rouge, Knoxville and College Station.


There' s a huge difference between what he & the other Astros were doing vs what the dopers were doing. His stats or lack of same may keep him out, but stealing signs? Get real.

You're right. What Bregman, Altuve, Correa, Cora, Beltran, et al, did was much worse.

Astros fans tr