Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Pensacola, Fl.
Interests:Heavy Equipment
Occupation:Small Business Owner
Number of Posts:75
Registered on:11/10/2020
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

I have an app I'm trying to get off the ground and I need someone with the right skills to help me get it launched. I've hired marketing firms in the past but that hasn't worked out too well for me. Is there a company that would help me with my product and accept payment from commission? I'm no...
It's been going on for a while. In 2019 my excavator caught on fire while clearing a lot in a small neighborhood. After attempting to put out the fire I called the fire department and stood back as it became engulfed in flames. As I'm standing there watching it burn, trying to catch my breath fro...
Of what's wrong with college football and what is to come. I haven't been in a few years and was aware of a few changes, but seriously had no idea how bad it has become. The best way to sum it up is this looked like a corporate retreat with some football players in attendance. North vs So...
Roundup and diesel mix 50/50. Will kill everything though so be careful what you spray it on....

re: Boys coming of age party

Posted by BillWilliamson on 8/13/23 at 3:12 pm
[quote]quote: think he may take a gap year How in the actual frick have we come to a place in society where this is really part of our vernacular[/quote] I agree with you. Seems strange to me that kids have normalized this....

Boys coming of age party

Posted by BillWilliamson on 8/13/23 at 3:04 pm
Just looking for ideas here... My cousin invited me to a party for his son today. It's supposed to be a birthday/graduation/coming of age party for his son who is 17. Apparently it's going to be men only and he asked that I get a gift that is relevant to a young man venturing out into the world...

re: Financing for raw land

Posted by BillWilliamson on 5/22/23 at 7:14 pm
Baldwin county, AL. It's all planted pines. I'm going to try to get a better deal by asking for another 100 acres nearby and hopefully they will come down on their price a little. ...

re: Financing for raw land

Posted by BillWilliamson on 5/21/23 at 8:17 am
Would you mind sending me the contact information for your people at Prudential? I've made a few attempts to get in touch with someone with no response from anyone. ...

re: Financing for raw land

Posted by BillWilliamson on 5/8/23 at 8:31 am
Because you can do a lot of things with land......

re: Elk hunting tips

Posted by BillWilliamson on 5/7/23 at 6:52 pm
I've been elk hunting Colorado and Wyoming since 2013. Personally I've been unsuccessful but a few in my party have gotten an elk. I've never bow hunted elk so I can't say much to that but I can tell you that being a good hiker will go a long way. I've hunted Freeman Reservoir several times out o...

re: Financing for raw land

Posted by BillWilliamson on 5/7/23 at 6:29 pm
Thank you for all the responses. This definitely looks like the best thing going as far as I can tell. Hopefully in 7 years interest rates will be creeping back down instead of up! LOL I'm dealing with a large land management company to buy this land. They represent several smaller subsidiar...

re: Financing for raw land

Posted by BillWilliamson on 5/7/23 at 10:06 am
I've never done one like that before. So what happens after the first 7 years are up? Just principle for the remainder of the term? Sounds too good to be true. ...

re: Financing for raw land

Posted by BillWilliamson on 5/6/23 at 9:13 pm
What kind of terms were they offering?(Prudential)...

Financing for raw land

Posted by BillWilliamson on 5/5/23 at 8:19 pm
I have an opportunity to buy 334 acres of raw land planted in loblolly pines. Does anyone have any good ideas on financing a purchase like this? At $3500/acre it's roughly 1.169MM and the best I've been quoted so far is 10% interest from a bank I've dealt with in the past. Are there any ways ...
[quote]but I'd lose any gains paying back the bank on a purchase this size. You're taking my quote out of context bud. I said that in reference to getting a better price due to the looming recession but then would pay back those gains in interest to the bank. If you don't have anything cons...
Its timberland in Baldwin county, Al....
I wouldn't plan to convert it to any other kind of loan. Its just pulpwood land that was cut two years ago and replanted. I can afford the down payment and principal payment on a 30 year loan but 6% interest would double it. I just wanted to see if anyone had some ideas that I hadn't thought of. ...
Current rates on raw land are 6% or higher from what I've been told by my bank. I have 400 acres I want to buy but will get killed in interest payments at that rate. Aside from paying cash for the property, are there cheaper ways to buy a property this size outside of a conventional land loan? ...
You are correct. Brush hogging, or underbrushing, is the term used for heavy brush and small trees. Slashing is a new one on me but I see where they're coming from as the term slash is used for the mess left over at a log landing when a pine stand is clear cut. Bush-hogging is generally reser...
Just checking in to see how this worked out for you?...