Favorite team:Atlanta Braves 
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Registered on:9/9/2020
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They are walking shoes not running shoes.
If you graduated college in the spring of 2025, on the job search, where would you be looking to move to in your ideal world? Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Fort Worth all have their drawbacks, and their pros. Or would you move to a smaller city?
Move to a big city in America.

San Antonio if you like Mexican nationals
I would like to write a history book some day.

re: What job is AI-proof?

Posted by justaniceguy on 1/3/25 at 11:49 am
I’m going to law school.
What was so bad about crystal and Carrizo?
As somebody who lives in Texas…. Hell no it’s not worth it!!!
One of my best friends was in this situation (for the 100th time)

The girl got pregnant and moved back home to Kentucky. She gave him a ton of chances but he fricked then all up. I don’t think his name is even on the birth certificate.

The kid isn’t even 1 yet so this is still a developing stor
If you can take the Christmas elements out of the movie and it wouldn’t drastically change the movie it ain’t a Christmas movie. Make sure to tell your GF as well. I would hope no dude over the age of 30 had to learn this from an internet poast.
He was obviously trying to leave the interview
The only people who think it’s a Christmas movie don’t know what a Christmas movie is.

He has to figure it out himself. At some point I just got tired of losing money so I quit gambling.

Sit him down and explain that he sucks at making picks and it’s not for him.
There was a football game on TV every night for like 2 months straight.

re: How's the accounting life?

Posted by justaniceguy on 12/16/24 at 3:00 pm
Tell that to all the kids who graduated with accounting degrees and are still looking for jobs.

re: How's the accounting life?

Posted by justaniceguy on 12/16/24 at 2:12 pm
It’s hard to get an entry level job. Lots of companies sent them off to India.
For whatever reason I always end up dating girls that are this exact mix: half white and half Hispanic. I guess there is an abundance in Texas
I work for a small manufacturing company. Accounting. We have to post everything at the EOY, so this is the busiest time of year. Still pretty damn easy though.

re: Holocaust Conspriacy

Posted by justaniceguy on 12/12/24 at 5:42 pm
There are two separate conspiracies.

Conspiracy 1 is that the number 6 million has been inflated and it was likely a lot less.

Conspiracy 2 is that the number 6 million has been inflated, it was much much less, and all of the mentions of gas chambers are lies.

It’s probably best to not co