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[quote]WB Davis immediately believed it was Russian disinformation, without question, just like they told him to do. He may still believe it.[/quote] Undoubtedly ...

re: Questions for 50+ folks...

Posted by TheSadvocate on 6/14/24 at 4:45 am
Set up some kind of investment account and put 20% of your paycheck into it, more if you can. Don't touch it. ...
[quote]WB Davis [/quote] Bro a left wing publication blocked the news link about Hunters laptop in 2020. I bet you agreed with that because you "hate fascism." ...
She's still mad about this [img]https://i.imgur.com/HlwgDAt.jpeg[/img]...
[quote]New York Times columnist Bret Stephens this week suggested that President Biden should step aside[/quote] I gotta give it to this guy, he has a set of cojones on him to publish that. He could come to work tomorrow with a gang of alphabet blue haired they/thems waiting for him with mace. ...
Don't all of these charges have to go through this guy? lol [img]https://i.imgur.com/N9xpy1z.png[/img]...
[quote]In records made public last week, the commission claims Foxworth-Roberts lied on the campaign trail and to the commission, while also trying to stymie its efforts to determine her true military history.[/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/bDrw4H6.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Some of the motivation may have been racism[/quote] How is it racist to incorporate an unincorporated area, a move that requires not a single person relocating and doesn't affect the population of either the city of Baton Rouge nor East Baton Rouge Parish whatsoever? I would love to hear y...
[quote]How could an area that wasn’t a city pay city taxes to a city they weren’t part of?[/quote] Because of the unique form of government that EBR and BR used to be. All the money from the entire parish went into one coffer. The issue is that the area where most of the money was coming from was...
[quote]ALL the upper class conservatives I’ve talked to hate the idea of St. George[/quote] lol yeah bro. Having more local control of your tax dollars and not paying for services you do not even have the luxury of using is a bummer. I'm sure they wanna go back to funding the Baton Rouge Police D...
June 8th.... never forget ...
The desperation is palpable with these fricks ...
Impossible. The current president said it was russian disinformation. ...
Who wrote this caption and how did Fox News not catch it :lol: [quote]A missing woman was found swallowed whole by a reticulated python in Indonesia. Locals the 16 foot snake open and recovered her body, authorities said.[/quote]...
[quote]When Trump wins in a few months, he is going to be absolutely must see tv for the next 4 years [/quote] That's why secretly all of the MSM is pulling for him. Their advertising revenue will break records...
[quote]the suspect got himself deceased[/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/gNv2hzv.jpeg[/img]...