Favorite team:Missouri 
Location:Richmond, Mo.
Biography:Mizzou alum
Interests:Sports, history
Occupation:Public health, farming
Number of Posts:13
Registered on:8/5/2020
Online Status:Not Online

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No way is this true. Organic almost always requires tillage and that allows soil erosion. Farmers use practices that maximize profits, long term....
Plowing fields went by the wayside years ago, most is notilled. Way less fuel, time spent, and soil erosion....
Don't believe anything from the Environmental Working Group. They don't represent modern production agriculture. The environmental benefits gained during that 10 year rental time didn't get lost, erosion was reduced in that time.Most CRP land that is in the Midwest and upper south would never be plo...
I agree with your dislike of CRP. Back when I farmed full time in the eighties and nineties we had to compete with USDA for farm ground. It saved soil but reduced the money in the local economy since fertilizer, seed, chemicals, fuel, machinery, parts weren't needed for CRP. I actually had a USDA gu...
I will hope Georgia wins, they are East Champs and their defensive coordinator is from my home town, Dan Landing....

re: The fastest SEC running backs

Posted by MidMoAg on 10/28/21 at 7:31 pm
I think Haisley Crawford won the 100 meters in the Olympics maybe 1976. He was 230 lbs. or so....

re: Which State Secedes First?

Posted by MidMoAg on 4/21/21 at 4:52 pm
Probably an injunction stopped it because non GMO soybeans were being damaged by spraying dicamba on nearby fields. Lawsuits followed. Ag departments fielded complaints and it goes to court to avoid settling it with guns....
I lived thru that embargo, but the early eighties during Reagan's term were much harder for farmers. Record high interest rates, two droughts, record number of bankruptcies and farm forclosues. An adminstration that didn't seem too concerned although the CRP program was in fact a bailout that put a ...

re: The new America By Dave Ramsey

Posted by MidMoAg on 1/9/21 at 12:52 pm
Vaccinating pets for rabies is a winning plan. It protects pets and people. Of the argument is it's too expensive, you shouldn't have them in the first place....

re: Chitlins

Posted by MidMoAg on 9/21/20 at 8:31 pm
We raised and butchered hogs in the winter. My dad always ate pigs feet, liver, neck bones. We rendered lard and made cracklings out of skins. We never cooked chitlins though....