Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:797
Registered on:9/13/2007
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re: Palmer Sucks Palmer Sucks

Posted by FANATIC on 11/18/12 at 6:03 pm
He's got a noodle arm

re: Just saw the Les Miles rant

Posted by FANATIC on 11/18/12 at 9:55 am
I'd let my son play for him in a heartbeat.

re: I have to admit I was wrong

Posted by FANATIC on 11/18/12 at 9:40 am
At least he has HOT PANTS!!!!!!!!

re: Aub win over Bama would be...

Posted by FANATIC on 11/18/12 at 8:20 am
I think Auburn will beat them.

I know dude! It would be so awesome to make fun of them after they beat us, destroyed our title hopes and turned Tiger Stadium into a library! So awesome!

what a puss

The start of Bama's downward spiral...

Posted by FANATIC on 11/10/12 at 10:03 pm
You heard it here first. I will sleep good tonight

Will Bama get a redo........

Posted by FANATIC on 11/10/12 at 9:38 pm
against Aggies since they played hard today. I'll hang up and listen.

Lot of wives to beat, lots of trailers to trash, so little time

So True

re: Rashad Jennings sucks?

Posted by FANATIC on 11/8/12 at 8:59 pm
They stack the box because they know Blaine Gabbert sucks and can't beat them.
I like the Bama claims Lance Armstrongs titles
They say it's hard to make a lot of noise when a bunch of people are missing teeth.
Bama gives more money to players if you know what I mean

re: I still can't believe we lost.

Posted by FANATIC on 11/4/12 at 3:58 pm
Some things aren't meant to be understood

What you saw last night was not luck. It was a clutch performance by a championship team.

If you sit Peyton for Vick you need to lose for being reeeeeeettttaaaarrrddeeeddd