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Registered on:2/19/2020
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[quote]conversion therapy on minors.[/quote] How is this even a possibility to start with? What the frick has happened to society?...
If Trump, God forbid, were to be assassinated on a 3rd try, MSNBC is directly responsible ...
I loved the movie Private Parts. In part because it was funny, and in part because it shows how a hideously ugly outcast can just say outrageous crap and get himself famous and rich with motivation. That's all he's ever been, the freak that stumbled on something and had "success". Good for him. As s...

re: Who helped Trump Prepare?

Posted by Corso on 9/11/24 at 2:43 pm
Trump could've had Ronald Reagan come back to life to prepare him and he still would've ignored it and done whatever the hell he felt like ...
[quote]Firstly, do you believe that the moderators intentionally had their finger on the scale in favor of Harris? If yes, proceed to the following question: To what extent did the “finger on the scale” influence/affect the likely perception of the more casual viewer?[/quote] Of course they had t...
Absolutely agree. I stayed up to watch the replay, and even my friend who is as big of a Trump fan as much as anybody on this board, said what the frick is he talking about and why is he not hitting her on her bullshite. His generalized nonsense went over badly. ...
I'll add to it. Even Laura Ingraham who is an actual friend of Trump, said he whiffed. Yes it biased, but he had nothing to respond with. It was bad ...
[quote]Have you ever heard of the concept of “totality of the circumstances?” Essentially it means that you make a conclusion not just based on what you can and are seeing right in front of your nose, but also on any number of things/factors that aren’t quite so blatantly obvious yet bear as much in...
Trump got skull fricked. I'm a Trump supporter and he sounded like a goddamn idiot. Kamala is a stupid woman but the reason she got through law school is because even idiots can memorize things. Trump is old and simple minded. I'm sick of this shite ...
Biden's entire administration and election should be the biggest controversy this country has ever seen. Obvious dementia even 4 years ago, CIA election interference, blatant corruption, the biggest joke of a VP in American history, who was anointed nominee with no votes, etc. This is incredible ...
[quote]Every time he got his Peter massaged it drained some of his powers.[/quote] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT6EyN8K4Npo_TVeH7fBpSlZY5NavuzkIYqPg&s[/img]...
I've always thought his voice was annoying. As incredible as he might be physically I've never thought he had an ounce of charisma off the field...
[quote]12 - Beth pushes Jamie in the grave and pours dirt on him[/quote] :lol:...
[quote]Tim Burton isn't for everyone[/quote] That's true. I've always wondered what I would've thought of his movies if I was an adult the first time I saw them, but seeing Beetlejuice and Batman at five and six years old made me a fan forever. Tim Burton's style along with Danny Elfman's scores ...
Wonder if they'll bring up him and Shawn Michaels supposedly having more than a close relationship...
The Big Lebowski is the standard bearer for me on this topic. I thought it was stupid the first time I saw it, I watched it again when nothing else was on and now it's one of my favorite and most rewatchable movies...
[img]https://i.imgur.com/6cFcTMQ.jpeg[/img] [img]https://www.metal-hammer.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/22/11/twisted-sister-bang-your-head-2016-15-07-2016_0008-992x560.jpg[/img]...
Why do the debates always have to be molded around what the Dem candidate wants? Rhetorical question I guess but it'd be nice to hear someone blast them for this...
[quote]They’re finally realizing these movies are labeled “Joker” simply to draw an audience and actually have nothing to do with the Joker character everyone knows.[/quote] Who gives a shite? At least it was an attempt to be creative. I loved Phoenix's portrayal and the movie overall. Do we reall...
I always thought she was sexy as hell back in the day. She even had a white trash sexy going on in The Fighter, but man when she's roughin it gets worse than most...