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Anybody else hear him cuss? I thought I heard a cuss word in there.

re: Elon retweets Jeffery Mead again

Posted by LSUGrrrl on 2/12/25 at 1:24 pm
He’s a great follow.
I hope he’s right but Beck can go choke on a bowl of Cheeto dust.
My thoughts are that Landry has been a joke since elected and his horrible, DYI, uneven dye job on TV for the Super Bowl was hilariously bad.

But LSU should be able to remove employees who can’t keep their political opinions to themselves and just teach their class.

These criminals should have to spend an appropriate amount of time in our prisons first, then be deported.

Where they will expand their gang with new recruits and become a bigger problem. Ship them to El Salvador.
[quote]Take, as a particularly egregious example, what is perhaps the most widely reported economic indicator: unemployment. Known to experts as the U-3, the number misleads in several ways. First, it counts as employed the millions of people who are unwillingly under-employed — that is, people who,
Who gives a shite about Hilary anymore? They nearly have no influence or power anymore.
I’m not worked up over anything. Not even sure how you came to that.
This is why I don’t reply to things before I finish 2 cups of coffee.

sure thing. look at ole pete working hard in the cramped quarters of a c-17
it just happened, he's saving patriots money
not a photo opp at all
no, never
working late in the night with jacket and jean

Even if it is a photo op, did he and his wife choose to fly in a cargo plane
Which vaccines? Not all vaccines are horrible.
Way too long to bring him down. Thank God he only wanted to destroy our country and not anyone on the field.

re: This guy quit MAGA over USAID

Posted by LSUGrrrl on 2/9/25 at 7:05 am


You sound fun.

why does the guy behind her look like an evil villain from an action movie

Because he’s been living in a hurricane ravaged area for months? She said his name was Mark, he was from there and was going to talk about programs he found helpful.
Who told them? Thats who needs to be fired and prosecuted.

You know how this works ..

Biden tried to pay off student loans with an EO, that didn't fly either.

If they cannot perform the job, fire them, period.

I’m sure it will be challenged but so would refusing to hire them in the first place. This is going to end up litigated no ma

Well good luck with that...

Well, doesn’t seem I need luck since Trump signed this EO. I agree that any person should have to meet the requirements of a job, including physical requirements, regardless of sex. Those requirements are there for a reason. I want a fireman who is capab