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I have a solution. Don’t get involved in the first place.

Peej becoming the voice of logic and reason around this joint is nothing short of amazing.

re: Ozempies are going blind

Posted by LegendInMyMind on 2/10/25 at 7:29 pm

That’s why eye exams are so essential. I think this is likely due to diabetes as opposed to the medication.

Maybe not by how it was described in the part of the article quoted.

re: Artemis lunar program

Posted by LegendInMyMind on 2/10/25 at 6:53 pm

Oh you mean Starliner, which made a perfect return to Earth just as Boeing said it would?

Would you have jumped in it and headed back to Earth given all the issues it had?

re: Artemis lunar program

Posted by LegendInMyMind on 2/10/25 at 6:46 pm
This made me remember those two astronauts who are still stranded on the ISS thanks to Boeing's bullshite. They may get home in March.

His wife is hot as frick

bullshite. Her naughty bits are all mangled and blurry looking.

Can Trump and Elon shutdown Only Fans? I’d rather spend money on condoms for Gaza than live in a world where this shite happens.

Why? You hate capitalism, baw? There wouldn't be a market if sad dudes weren't willing to pay these women.

It was Diablo. I’m sure he plays it some but his player in the game is one of to top in the world. To be that high you basically have to play nonstop. The only way that would be possible is to have someone else playing it a lot as him.

Probably plays all day when he's working from ho

WTF has happened to this board?

This place really took a turn when people around here got to where they couldn't afford American crawfish and had to start buying chinese.
[quote]Normal people get off work, commute home in traffic, take the kids to soccer practice, shop for groceries, cook dinner, clean the house, etc. Billionaires don't do any of that shite. They can devote almost 100% of their awake time to anything they want and offload all the bullshite. They have p

You can thank Obama and George Soros' money.

Judging by the number of Republican congressmen who couldn't even be bothered to show up and vote on Biden's last round of appointments, I'd say there is plenty of blame to go around.

claims from Hamas that Israel violated the cease fire

That isn't what the tweet you shared says.

While current owners are mostly safe, new buyers could face serious tax hikes.

Well, that's bullshite.

Infuriates me we give money to churches.

Hell, that woman grifter preacher that Donald appointed as his faith advisor has taken her share. Even bought a nice, big beachfront home with some of the money.

re: Man, people are just awful….

Posted by LegendInMyMind on 2/10/25 at 11:26 am
Woman people are even worse.
I bet it was an Eagles fan celebrating with a good, old fashioned stabbing.

re: Philly Police live

Posted by LegendInMyMind on 2/9/25 at 10:27 pm
Bill Burr was right, you know.
This is as good enough time as any to let Bill Burr do the talking.

re: Tay Tay

Posted by LegendInMyMind on 2/9/25 at 10:20 pm

It didn't have to be this way.

It was always going to be this way with Eagles fans. If not Swift and that jersey they'd just destroy and burn something else. They're from Philly......the home of the shittiest and trashiest sports fans in America.

This is definitely up a notch or two

As compared to what he did at that meeting with the Adidas execs a while back?