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Registered on:3/15/2019
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They are unattractive, socially awkward losers who were raised by weirdo parents or relatives who in a lot of cases are well off. They have always existed on the fringe of the normal society the rest of us reside in and they find solace in teaming up with other freaks in support of issues that they...
Shocking…no requests for soap or any personal hygiene products! Dirty, ugly, smelly losers! ...

Burn it down!

Posted by L5ut1g3r on 4/28/24 at 8:53 am
This team will never contend for anything. Start with a coaching change and move BI and CJ. Build around Herb and Trey because they at least look like they give a damn. This city deserves better!...

Rally Baw fixed Little!

Posted by L5ut1g3r on 4/27/24 at 10:04 am
Doin’ the Lord’s work! Tigers by 10 run rule today! :nana:...

Rally Baw rides tonight!

Posted by L5ut1g3r on 4/26/24 at 11:01 am
Today is the start of something special as Rally Baw rises like the Phoenix and takes his rightful place among Tiger legends Rally Possum, Chris Guillot, the K Lady, Coop, and homeboy with the wrestling belt. Thank you and your forehead for your sacrifice! :cheers: Geaux Tigers!...
Nope just spray away and hope for the best!...
Bike lanes in the hood (up vote) or the lights on the on ramps in New Orleans (down vote) that worked for a week and no one paid attention to? This place is a joke!...
Our all boys Catholic school does it and it seems to be a pretty positive thing. Crazy how there are hardly any discipline problems and everybody seems to get along. Way different than when I was in school....
Good news… USA a favorite at this summer’s Olympic Games in the baby toss!...

Teedy and her man just chillin’!

Posted by L5ut1g3r on 4/15/24 at 2:52 pm
[img]https://gray-wvue-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/v2/INJYTHJBDBGEZPH63J4TTLRICI.PNG?auth=842d831623a66bb2cf761957f90b15c7dfe00f135589c19dd3b14fb122b2fb7c&width=1300&height=1201&smart=true[/img] You have to credit her for continuing to give New Orleanians a giant middle finger!...
This team has been locked in on the road, maybe it wouldn’t be the worst place to start. Have to beat a great team at some point in the playoffs anyway....

Can we get a war board?

Posted by L5ut1g3r on 4/14/24 at 8:36 am
Hard to keep up with all the conflicts Grandpa Joe has gotten us into....

re: Tax Filing Extension

Posted by L5ut1g3r on 4/11/24 at 9:29 am
My CPA calls it Safe Harbor, it’s the estimated minimum you are required to pay by the 15th. In the same boat waiting to hear what the number is this year from my CPA....
May all of your daughters be dunked on by some dude who thinks he’s a little girl....
Dawn Staley was a great player and a terrific coach but is eaten up with TDS....
Trump is constantly labeled a narcissist yet attended the funeral of the officer killed in New York. Biden yucks it up with Obama and Clinton at a million dollar fundraiser with Hollywood elite and skips out on the funeral, he’s dear old Joe. Which one is narcissistic? Actions speak louder than w...
They definitely were in the locker room for the Middle Tennessee game. Pretty sure they have done this for awhile now, which makes it disappointing that CKM said it was a timing issue....