Favorite team:Texas 
Number of Posts:3
Registered on:2/13/2019
Online Status:Not Online

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[b]what do aggy women look like and do on game day, you ask? [/b] [img]https://external-preview.redd.it/co_7LvLkm30R1-zzJMEcNfTy0XwTKuzTd5OVbf1SW88.jpg?auto=webp&s=aa36cd5c947b163a38fe988cc0881a73f6f528f4[/img] ...
and if you had played OU twice and Georgia or Texas at all, you would have had 4 more losses. the only reason you played Clemson at all is due to you running from your series with Oregon when Oregon was good and Clemson sucked. ...
55m of it a year goes directly back into academics. that's what big boy blue blood programs with a shite ton of money do, while broke mother fkers "borrow money" from their academics that they never pay back, rob their satellite schools of funding, mooch of the University of Texas' public utility ...