Favorite team:South Carolina 
Occupation:Electrical Engineer
Number of Posts:7130
Registered on:2/8/2019
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

[quote] Are you kidding me? The GOP doesn’t pander enough to minorities for you? “Well the way we win is to become just like the left!” Yeah no kidding[/quote] its a real easy attack when the GOP continues to only pick white males. There are plenty of qualified people that arent white males. ...
Vivek would have been the best choice. Great debater, not white, solid thoughts on policies, knows what things not talk about. Vance just say some stupid shite and has the personality of a wet paper bag. Honestly his comments about how parents should get extra votes was just stupid. The cat l...
hahaha this is some mental gymnastics Its okay to call your program out for handling things poorly and kids making mistakes. Be better...
[quote]-- USC (I and my wife are both graduates of -- my wife was a Song Girl member) [/quote] oh cool youre a gamecock. Thats neat. I also am. my GF is a gator, its been a fun dynamic...
My hot take is just as much as Mcafee drives people away from Gameday, So does Corso at this point. People don't want to watch him. CFB is so fun, so its a downer seeing an old dude who just doesnt have it anymore Love him, but its past time...
[quote]Who are y’all’s transfer portal snags? I got Tavorus Jones from Mizzou and Parker Kingston out of BYU to come to UTEP. IRL they have 300 combined yards for their career but they just combined for 3000 and 25 tds at the end of year 3 of my dynasty [/quote] I got Isiah Bond out of Texas. Him...
[quote]Or you could just stop being such a fricking pussy. How many times you gonna post in this thread?[/quote] however many I please. Is there a limit? weird that you think calling for fans to not defend this behavior is being a "pussy" . Be better...
[quote] You won’t see me defend him. If the story is true and she had no idea he was filming her or potentially other victims, he should be convicted and punished. I do wonder how she found out, though. Does anyone know that yet?[/quote] Respect...
[quote]you completely ignored the rest of my post, typical.[/quote] no i actually didnt. I addressed everything...
[quote] I don’t care what anyone posts about zipper merge, it is a dickhead move.[/quote] why? if everyone did it, it would just be normal. It speeds up the flow of traffic and effectively uses all the area of the road. If you have a 30ft area, why would you only use 15ft of it? second q...
Why do yall hate the idea of zipper merge so much. Do you think that if DOT put several signs about zipper merge that it would increase the # of folks who bought into it, so that those that want to do it arent considered assholes...
[quote]frick your respect. Plenty of us denounce what happened(and even say so in theTR thread) but the resident bammers and aggys try to speak things into existence that aren't real. Also, frick your respect. No LSU fan is doing anything for your respect. [/quote] just be decent humans...damn...
lol stop it. "toughest in the nation" Carolinas is as bit as tough Clemson Ooc Bama- road Oklahoma - road Ole Miss - Home Mizzou - Home LSU - Home Uk - Road A&M - Home We get vandy, but miss on both Auburn, State, UF. OU and UTjr are a wash. Both get Ole Miss/Bama/Clemson . Mizzou a...
[quote] This OP and many other A&M posters just like him are why they are the most hated group on this board. It was really nice in here before A&M joined the conference. Really wish SEC would kick A&M out now that we got the real Tx team we wanted.[/quote] or LSU fans could gain some respect an...
[quote]What's perv about it to you is that it was sex between a man and a woman[/quote] ehh not really. Is consent not something that LSU fans support? The victim didn't consent to video. It's perverted behavior. ...
[quote]she’s black and a woman. she's black = WRONG and a woman = correct She is a not a "black". Same mistake a lot of blacks here made when Jidal ran for govenor and oh how wrong they found out they were.[/quote] she might not be but she is playing that card hard and many fall for it. ...
[quote] Dude have you heard what comes out of her mouth? lol[/quote] it doesnt matter. She will get an overwhelming majority of black votes. She will have black women voting at higher levels. She will pull in all the liberal white vote, and a lot of the female white voters. I think the latino v...
[quote] All arranged by Willie Brown. I can’t believe you are actually touting her rise in Cali politics. LOL.[/quote] The poster wasn't touting anything. They simply listed her CV, and it makes her qualified on paper...
UF has to be close. Their swimming program (like Texas) is elite...
so cal * on this board, south carolina is and should be USC. Same way that UT is Tennessee...