Favorite team:Virginia 
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Registered on:11/12/2018
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[quote]The businessman non politician got elected, his name is Trump.[/quote] [quote]pol·i·ti·cian /?päl?'tiSH(?)n/ noun a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office.[/quote] You're entitled to your own opinion, you're n...
[quote]The OT baws love to complain about DEI hires but what about a good ole baw who got hired simply because he has a buddy at the company or is pals with the hiring manager?[/quote] It's simple, OT baws can complain about the race of a DEI hire Same analogy as Warren Buffett has made betwee...
[quote]Do we let doctors, pilots, etc. stick around until they can barely form one coherent sentence just becuase they started their job a while ago?[/quote] Well, Corso doesn't have the life and death of others, like doctors and pilots do, hanging in the balance while he's on TV for 3.5 minutes to...
[quote]Thoughts?[/quote] Hmm no mention of the recent softening stance on abortion from the GOP...
[quote]Think about her candidacy for a second. With all of the Geo political turmoil that we have been conditioned to worry about Dash China, invading Taiwan, Russia and its war with Ukraine, with a possibility of further aggression to other European nations. Etc.. Additionally, you have record i...

re: Kamala is being Impeached

Posted by thejuiceisloose on 7/23/24 at 4:41 pm
[quote] Just looked up Andy. Seems like a good guy.[/quote] Besides the whole forged resume [quote]At a political debate, Ogles called himself "a former member of law enforcement, worked in international sex crimes, specifically child trafficking", while at a separate forum, he said: "I went i...
[quote]There is the issue most have with the 14th and anchor babies. Intentional phrasing, illegals are not "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" Therefore...[/quote] There are subject to the jurisdiction, if they were not courts would have no jurisdiction over them...
[quote]I will acknowledge it. I will also acknowledge that LBJ's policies ensured the decimation of the black, nuclear family which I suspect is a significant factor in the all this.[/quote] You're going to blame one president and not mention the hundreds of years of systematic oppression and ...

re: Biden seen in public today

Posted by thejuiceisloose on 7/23/24 at 1:12 pm
[quote]Where did you here this BS? I think your paranoid mind wanders a bit too much It's just a bunch of women painting and drinking wine (not alcoholics if it's wine) [/quote] How dare they break the rules of sip and paint?...
[quote]So if you were a natural born citizen at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution you were eligible. When was the US Constitution adopted and how old is Kamala Harris?[/quote] I'd like to hear Canadian born, Ted Cruz's, take on the matter...
Glad we heard this from a trusted source!...
[quote]It looks like I'll sit the Olympics out this year.[/quote] So brave Your virtue signaling has been recorded ...
In before Bawcomville, La. as a host site...
My only regret is that I have but one downvote to give...

re: Javien Toviano Arrested

Posted by thejuiceisloose on 7/22/24 at 1:28 pm
This is not what the coaches meant when they told Javien to study film...