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Location:Intercession City, Florida
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Occupation:Internet Technology
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Registered on:6/22/2018
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re: Mo brooks responds to Trump.

Posted by MojoGuyPan on 3/23/22 at 5:32 pm
[quote]Trump won BIGLY!!!! [/quote] Actually Trump lost. What administration is running the country is what counts and Biden is in. Trump is sitting in Florida with his thumb up his arse. This is like claiming the Saints won the NFC Championship game against the Rams a few years ago. You do...
[quote] It’s just like a game of paintball,” he added[/quote] [img]https://media.breitbart.com/media/2022/03/GettyImages-1239216239-e1647715680491-640x335.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Subway back in the day was fricking fantastic.[/quote] Are you out of your mind? I do remember when Cane's had real-sized chicken fingers, it was tight....
Lizzo and it isn't even close. Lizzo has a pretty face is talented, can twerk and looks like a lot of fun. She is a real woman and would try to get you off. Rosie, by the standards of some, had the better body but has perma bitch face and is a lesbian. She would in no way provide the assist. It w...
[quote]She wasn’t talking about 666 barcodes on your hands for purchasing basic goods.[/quote] Do you have any evidence of this or is this just your lousy opinion?...

re: Mandeville private schools

Posted by MojoGuyPan on 3/19/22 at 5:39 pm
[quote]Mandeville private schools[/quote] [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/QSLYgRtyj6JsitKTr5lphm4SqIsqMrZaifDMqrgmiCg/rs:fit:480:270:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWRp/YS5naXBoeS5jb20v/bWVkaWEvMU05Zm1v/MVdBRlZLMC9naXBo/eS5naWY.gif[/img]...
That's hot. [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/qpDlTHiezguvnpMsvj8AOApk0BKqdMNZmqRhX4CswBM/rs:fit:400:314:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly82NC5t/ZWRpYS50dW1ibHIu/Y29tL2U1MmQyYmVk/NTE4MzEwYTJkNjM3/ODE4YzU2Yzg2ZmY2/LzhjNDU4YzYzNjBi/MGQ1YjgtN2YvczY0/MHg5NjAvYjFlOTc0/NGZiNzlkNDdlYmJl/ZjdlMGZlMGQzNmY2/NDZlNjJlODM2ZC...
[quote]when you're 80-100 pounds overweight you need to be doing cardio[/quote] This is flat out bullshite. 20 minutes of jogging doesn't do jack. You can't outrun a bad diet. Adjusting your diet and building muscle is exponentially more effective in changing body composition than cardio. Old s...
[quote]Arkansas Fan[/quote] Checks out....

re: Should I leave Ukraine?

Posted by MojoGuyPan on 3/18/22 at 4:13 pm
[quote]They came under fire, shockingly by the Ukrainian army" with no details[/quote] Let us know when they reach the safety of the Reddit Foreign Legion. This has to be the most boring long-troll in OT history....
[quote]One of OMB's worst mistakes was not defunding that shite programming[/quote] Ummm NPR is made possible by listeners like you and corporate sponsors like Archer Daniels Midlands, Facebook, and Pfizer....
He's no Mitch Hedburg. Trump is more on the level of a Dane Cook but not as sexy. ...

re: The San Diego Chicken

Posted by MojoGuyPan on 3/15/22 at 3:31 pm
Krazy George > San Diego Chicken SDC didn't invent no wave. [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/EqYGoSM0JNmQPEyvd3g_RUUNZEEa7iXGGKhpqw36YIg/rs:fit:1200:1200:1/g:ce/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5r/cmF6eWdlb3JnZS5j/b20vd3AtY29udGVu/dC91cGxvYWRzLzIw/MTMvMTAvQ292ZXIt/T2FrLUFzLWJhcnQt/c2xpZGUuanBn[/img] ...

re: Physics Is Now Racist

Posted by MojoGuyPan on 3/15/22 at 2:48 pm
[quote]Physics Is Now Racist[/quote] When hasn't it been? Srsly I took it in college and it certainly draws a specific type if you know what I mean. [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/8CcN7VRHSgIDlr2sQ5CSvcVj1mW8PyJgXO5Fb9QSvKc/rs:fit:810:456:1/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cu/YWltc2NvZ25pdGl2/ZS5jb20vYm...
[quote]Anyone else find it odd [b]how quickly[/b] the Covid narrative was dropped? For [b]the last two years[/b] Covid dominated all sources of information[/quote] I'd say two years was a good run, plenty long enough....
[quote]Nobel prize 'horse paste' that costs 3c/dose reduces Covid death by 70%, infections by 44%[/quote] Maybe if they wanted it to be taken seriously as a medicine for humans, they shouldn't have called it "horse paste." ...
[quote]pancreas Ummm, you can live without that just fine as millions of people do.[/quote] I guess someone forgot to tell that to Patrick Swayze. [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/9sszTD0rX8XTU74Y8sAicaKg5pL1KeWx4JNr0xsIukg/rs:fit:400:300:1/g:ce/aHR0cDovL2ltYWdl/LmJsaW5nZWUuY29t/L2ltYWdlc...