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[quote]The only useful child is a dead child right?[/quote] That's what your fellow Trump supporter, Nikolas Cruz thinks. ...
[quote]These people are gonna be telling their grandkids about the time I was wrong on the Internet and I'm supposed to be insulted[/quote] But just imagine how many fake articles Cap'n has posted. The hypocrisy is delicious....
[quote]the one above you is both an imbecile and a literal cuck.[/quote] And yet he still somehow managed to make you look foolish....
[quote]Wait... is he a paid "crisis actor" or a dumb high school kid? Which narrative are we going with today?[/quote] It depends which bot article they're pushing. They're getting desperate. The Capn's stance is to laugh at the victims, which seems like a bold strategy....
Is it as fake as the bullshite stories you post from Alex Jones? C'mon man. Nikolas Cruz needs the help of his fellow Trump supporters at this time. Focus on helping him and keeping them gunz!...
[quote]Nah, but I find using dead children to push your totalitarian policies rather disgusting.[/quote] [img]https://img.thedailybeast.com/image/upload/c_crop,d_placeholder_euli9k,h_1440,w_2560,x_0,y_0/dpr_2.0/c_limit,w_740/fl_lossy,q_auto/v1518718767/180215-weill-white-supremacist-tease_vor96c[...
Cap'n, I think the important thing is for you to continue to try and poke holes in the student's stories, while calling people who fundamentally disagree with you "cucks" "prog filth" and the like. Oh, and make sure you continue to use fantastic sources like Infowars and what is this link cal...
[quote]"YOU QUESTION ME? YOU ARE FILTH LIAR, CUCKED AND A DISGUSTING LYING SLIMEBALL AND A FRICKING RACIST. WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME"?[/quote] He's kind of like the five and a half foot, drunken, peg leg uncle I never had. "Yar's a proggie cuck filth, he is!" ...
[quote]Dammit, I really wish I could do what he does!!![/quote] Yeah, but then there'd be that whole having to live with yourself thing. And let's be honest, who would want to walk a mile in Capn's heels? [img]https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3078/2924761061_0f2a70c56f_b.jpg[/img]...
[quote]And accuse of being Russian bots. Hilarious actually[/quote] It isn't hilarious, but it's true. Check out this non InfoWars link: [link=(http://fortune.com/2018/02/20/russian-twitter-bots-gun-control-florida-school-shooting/)]Russian Bots Circulate Disinformation After Parkland Shooting[/l...
[quote]Can we just ban CptBengal? He's clearly some sort of Russian agent / bot. He just repeats whatever talking point over and over again and adds in jaded descriptors like "filth liar", "prog filth", "cucked", etc.[/quote] There should be some kind of punishment for when you knowingly spread f...
[quote]Im not...this kid is: LINK[/quote] You source....is.....Alex...Jones? Bwahahahahaha...
[quote]OP has been caught lying again.[/quote] He won't be accountable. He never is....
[quote]why are you so invested in their emotional pleas?[/quote] Why are you trying to discredit a bunch of teenagers who experienced a school shooting?...
[quote]A rock hard micropenis, enhanced by the Super Male Vitality he bought off Infowars.[/quote] :lol: :lol: :lol:...
[quote]so jalen Martin is NOT a student at the school?[/quote] I doubt Salmon has the school roster. Do you have a link to Jalen Martin being a student at Parkland or not? shite or get off the pot....
[quote]youre listening to scripted 16 yr olds. thats pathetic[/quote] And you're trying to discredit them. That's far worse. ...
[quote]Not if they weren't deranged and were gov agents[/quote] Good point, Bot....
[quote]wow....I seem to have the [b]filth[/b] all in a tizzy. I guess this black kid better get back on their [b]pr0g filth[/b] plantation. [/quote] Double word score. What is your source for Jalen Martin?...
[quote]Just like the other students saying multiple shooters and things don't add up. MSM is only interested in gun control angle, not getting down to what actually happened.[/quote] fricking A. The bullshite your side is willing to spin. If you're so enlightened, please tell us "what actually h...