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Registered on:11/13/2017
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[quote]According to Comey, there was never a loyalty pledge, and he was never pressured to drop investigations.[/quote] :rotflmao: Did you just wake up from a coma or something? ...
[quote] So how do you know Obama did not direct Comey to water down the Hillary investigation? [/quote] Not even the shill writer who tweeted this is suggesting this text is evidence of that. Although, he is lying when he says a text about Obama being briefed is evidence that Obama was "dire...
[quote]COMEY: No. Dinner, no. I had two one-on-ones with President Obama.[/quote] Nothing has even suggested that this was a one-on-one meeting. Keep grasping though, you may catch hold of a straw yet!...
[quote]You might have a point if it weren’t for Dems, the media and Comey himself all trying to crucify Trump for this very same thing.[/quote] Trump demanding personal loyalty, directing Comey to drop investigations, pressuring Wray to fire McCabe, and constantly publicly demanding that the FBI ...
[quote]Are you sure?[/quote] Paul Sperry clearly has no idea what the text is referencing, but what he refers to as the "Trump probe" was part and parcel of the Russia investigation. It is perfectly appropriate that the president be briefed on that. Meanwhile, we all know Trump doesn't have th...
Oh my God! The president received an update on an investigation into Russian interference in our electoral system! I am OUTRAGED!...
[quote] Tell me about 1980, what you were doing at the time. Then fast forward to 1984 and do the same.[/quote] I was busy not existing yet, but even I know those weren’t midterm years. :lol: And I also know 1982 was a bad year for Republicans, and Reagan wasn’t half as unpopular as Trump!...
[quote]I really hope Nunez' exact response to the FBI request was "kiss my shithole".[/quote] Who’s this [i]Nunez[/i] guy you’re all so hard for?...
[quote]Not a lame duck but someone with about a zero % chance of winning. I don't see how midterms aren't a bloodbath. [/quote] :rotflmao: It's going to be a bloodbath alright, but not in the direction you're thinking!...
[quote]Repubs were never going to threaten CHIP so that's a retarded talking point.[/quote] If Republicans cared about funding CHIP, it would have been funded BEFORE they let it lapse for 4 months. Democrats have been pushing for CHIP for months now. McConnell promised Susan Collins to address CH...
[quote]There is not full amnesty. They are granted a special version of permanent resident status that requires 25 years prior to application for citizenship if at all. [/quote] Just so you know. You just said you are not in favor of full amnesty. And then, in the very next sentence, said that yo...
[quote]I would let them stay, but they'd have to get in line with all the others already in the process of trying to get legal immigration status.[/quote] So, what you're saying is, firstly - you would allow them to remain in the country, and secondly - you would provide a path for them to seek l...
Good that CHIP funding is now permanent. But if McConnell doesn't keep his promise, or if Ryan blocks a Graham-Durbin type bill from getting a vote in the House, we'll be right back here in three weeks....
[quote]He needs to go nuclear and get the gov't reopened. There is no excuse for allowing another party hold the gov't hostage just because you don't wish to break with some archaic senate rule that is not written in the constitution.[/quote] Honest question. Did you say also say this when Cruz l...
[quote]There should be some form of Presidential EO based on National Security that orders payment to the Military.[/quote] Or McConnell could just allow a vote on the McCaskill bill that does just that. He won’t though because Trump and the Republicans are intentionally using military pay as a p...
[quote]What more do you want? [/quote] He’s already broken those promises. There’s no reason to think he won’t break it again this time. If he’s willing to allow a clean DACA vote on February 8th, why not just do it now? It makes no sense. ...
[quote]Which, by the way, was all for show because 48 hours later they were somehow done examining 600,000 emails and he yet again said nothing to see here and closed the investigation again. [/quote] Wrong. There was more than a week between Comey sending the letter to congress and the announcem...
[quote]He had testified to Congress he would inform them if the investigation was reopened (not sure of exact phrasing) so had he not informed them he would have faced charges[/quote] He absolutely DID NOT testify to that. This is the quote that dishonest pundits have used to claim that he promis...
[quote]I said both times he RAN for president[/quote] :rotflmao: The obliviousness is strong with this one. Bro, do you seriously not know when presidential elections occur? ...
[quote]Most likely, it wasn't a clean bill.[/quote] :lol: Whatever you need to tell yourself to stay convinced Republicans arent using soldiers as a political football, right? Never mind that McConnell pledged last week to hold a vote on continuing to pay the military and could easily intro...