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Registered on:9/30/2017
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[quote]So lets just keep illegals pouring across the border, rather than incentivize our citizens to build their own economic base Yeah, who the eff thinks thats a terrible idea?[/quote] Libertarians. Conservatism... [i]real[/i] conservatism... has always promoted big families. Tax bracket ...
[quote]You liking sci-fi and anime has nothing to do with you not being in top 20% of men. You believing that there is a top 20% of men has to do with you not being in the top 20% of men. Seeing dating as a market is such a fricked up thought. It's not. I'm not saying that people don't have choices, ...
As women become more hostile to men, more unpalatable, or in many cases, simply unattainable, men will naturally seek either substitutes… prostitutes, AI/robotics, porn… or simply resolve to live lives without them. The problem is only going to accelerate. Women are becoming the men they wanted t...
[quote]Oh god he just doubled down. [/quote] Whoever’s alter you are, at 128 posts, what a simpering puss you are....
“Deficits don’t matter”- Dick Cheney...

Liz Cheney is funding ActBlue

Posted by DesScorp on 7/26/24 at 12:02 pm
Guardian of true conservatism and all that. [quote]Former Wyoming congresswoman Liz Cheney’s super political action committee is paying into a nonprofit dedicated to supporting Democratic candidates. Her group says keeping Trump from the Oval Office again is “the cause of our time.”[/quote] [l...
[quote]Don't you have better things to do? [/quote] Sorry we ruined your Disney [i]Gay Days[/i] trip....
[quote]Women hate him[/quote] WHICH women hate him? The same screeching harpy counts that hate Trump? So what? The Veep pick is about shoring up your base. It’s not going to sway the general one way or another. If you hate Trump, you’re still not gonna vote for him if he picks a black lesbian...
Because she wants your little dog Toto, too....

Disney slashing prices

Posted by DesScorp on 7/24/24 at 9:45 pm
All is not well in the magic kingdom. [quote]Disney has quietly reduced admission and hotel prices in recent months. Starting in May, the company began offering discounted three-day ticket packages for $89 per day, including access to Disney's Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom, and EPCOT, Local 1...
[quote]Totally freaked out the dog ran away and is still not found[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/bc86ac12-2e40-4523-84b8-b81e95ecb180_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]While this holds true a lot have you been on an SEC campus? I’ve seen plenty of scenarios where a fine SEC sorority girl is dating the slightly out of shape frat guy.[/quote] Frat guys (at least in the Old Row frats) tend to come from [i]Better Families[/i], ahem. They tend to have fathers...
The difference is that the Internet makes it impossible to completely control information now. And you’d better believe that the media wishes they could go back to the information monopoly age....
[quote]What does Zelensky have that Bibi doesn't have?[/quote] An enemy that Lockheed and Boeing can make billions off of. Nobody in the MIC gives two shats about Hamas....
[quote]Lose weight Make em laugh Yeah that's about it[/quote] LOL. He could’ve lived in the gym and she’d have never given him a sniff. She’s on his arm because he’s famous. Let’s not kid ourselves. High Status + Fame + Money = hot women “Same as it ever was” - Talking Heads...

re: Here's some polling data

Posted by DesScorp on 7/24/24 at 10:44 am
[quote]The sample includes 1,018 registered voters, 426 Democrats, 376 Republicans, and 341 Independents.[/quote] Someone else did a poll with similar sampling. And it was heavily criticized for its similar sampling methodology....