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Member when Louisiana State fans shite all over him? SEC Rant members :lol:

Devonta Smith

Told Louisiana State to frick OFF!!!

:nana: :nana: :nana:

Brian Kelly leading Deboer in abused tables 1-0.

Why does the same college football coach keep getting sued.

What an unfortunate coincidence for the little fellow.

We're taking issue with fans of other teams being so happy that a former LSU player is suffering.

Your fee-fees are hurt because people are saying mean things about that little midget of a coach y'all suck off :lol:

:wah: :wah: :wah:

re: Brian Kelly

Posted by cajunbama on 2/5/25 at 8:56 pm
You ripped of sick people with a con business out of a strip mall.

Mary Rex Vonner

Didn't read.

Voted down.

:nana: :nana: :nana:

Yea, I mean he didn't even talk to that kids family until today?

This alone makes him the worst human to ever coach college football. What a despicable thing to do.
You posted a link to it. But now you pretend to be above trolling something tragic.

You are a proven hypocrite.

Drown yourself in a shite filled septic tank for your hypocrisy.
I’m not linking shite for you :lol:

We all you remember posting some old tweet of Ruggs where he said he was an excellent driver you self righteous hypocrite.

But please, you and Wade can continue sucking each other off while virtue signaling/melting and crying.

fricking liar. You were banned for threatening to kill Kelly.

To quote BK’s minister of propaganda


I'd ask you to link it, but we both know you can't.

Wasn’t banned. I took a true Sabbatical from this septic tank. And I never threatened to kill that little m

You are such a fricking liar. The only reason you care about this is because YOU think it makes LSU look bad. You don't give a frick about Brooks. You're a fricking waste of life.

This guy melts.

They're actually glad something tragic happened to this kid because it gave them some troll bait.

This isn’t gonna work Sidewalk. I’m not trolling. BK really is a POS for this.

But this is what you call projection, remember your Henry Ruggs trolling?

Uh-huh, ok. BK is an honorable man now.

Funny how posters like Sidewalk talked about what a terrible person he was while he was beating Louisiana State while at ND.