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"Upending the system" from the presidential candidate of the side screaming about "threats to democracy". The blatant hypocrisy is so crazy to me. And the millions of democrat voters who either don't see it or don't care is even crazier to me. ...
[quote]All for show. If you really have gay friends, you don't refer to them as gay friends...they're just friends.[/quote] Yep. And he just happens to break out this story about going to spin class and chilling in a park with his gay friends while on a fundraising call with a "black gay and queer"...
I had to read them and write a report on them in HS. I remember skipping a couple of them after the first 50nor so because I pretty much had what I needed for the paper. The only thing I remember from them off the top of my head right now was Hamilton called for a Central Bank based on the Bank ...
So, working as a model to make a living is somehow the same as sucking and fricking your way up the political ladder?...
[quote]Not saying dumb shite that the Smooth Brains get all riled up about[/quote] They get riled up about fricking everything. They even fake shite to get riled up about. Calm down....
I love the fact that under Newsom's tweet, the 2nd or 3rd reply is :[quote]Your wife had sex with Harvey Weinstein[/quote] :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:...
Polls are mostly irrelevant to me, BUT with those kinds of margins, it says Trump is kicking arse....
"These gay men try to get uteruses and shite..." :lol:...
Lol @ them running around with tasers instead of real guns....
It pisses me off to no end knowing that these committees can run a bipartisan hearing, as we saw Monday with a couple of exceptions. But they just outright refused to ask questions about the event they were there for and used it as a platform to push agendas and campaign for their party. frick em ...
Not on scene, not in his car. Did the FBI ever even find the ladder at all?...
[quote]Shockingly, I'm MUCH angrier at the Republicans than I am at Wray.[/quote] Exactly. He is at least answering questions not spending the whole time being evasive and stonewalling....
Now fricking Russians and election interference. Man frick this shite show. ...
Seriously, wtf do high school football games have to do with the Trump shooting? Shut this idiotup....
So outside of the drone and explosives questions Jordan asked before the recess, this is just gonna be political grandstanding today? From both sides?...
Jeez, Project 2025 talking points now? frick this clown...

re: Antarctica Facts

Posted by IAmNERD on 7/24/24 at 10:30 am
[quote]It's illegal to travel there not with a licensed company.[/quote] Same thing holds true for climbing Everest. None of the governments that claim land there want to try and rescue every idiot that gets a wild hair and goes to Antarctica unprepared....
[quote]Nadler is such a fricking bitch... [/quote] He is just as bad as Baldy was the other day with the SS Director. ...