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Registered on:3/8/2017
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AshLSU, I agree that it is egocentric to think that we can fully understand an omnipotent, omniscient God as described in the Bible. But when it comes to Christianity in particular--we believe that we can understand thing about God for the following reasons. 1. We believe Jesus existed. Almos...
No Christian that I know of has ever claimed that God "created himself out of nothing". The Christian position would be that God has always existed. He then created a world in which there are certain rules or laws that govern it. The laws which we observe in this world don't apply to God like they d...
AshLSU, Logic alone would lead most people to the conclusion that this world was produced by a creator. I am not trying to be a smart alec. I am just being honest with you. Many people see the order in the natural world and the harmony and intricacies of how things work and the only logical concl...
yatesdog38, being a good person or in your words following "some basic rules of not being a jackass" will not get you into heaven, though this is commonly preached as if it were the gospel. Why do you think Jesus, the third person of the trinity, would utterly humiliate himself and become a m...
UAtide11, I can definitely understand your point of view because the world often seems to be cruel and the poor and marginalized often times only seem to get more marginalized. ...
UAtide11, I don't understand predestination to mean that every single event that has ever happened has been according to God's will. I mean of course you would have to say that if God exists and he is in control then everything that comes to pass (good or bad) is only happening because he is allowin...
I am not familiar with the term determinism. are you saying you believe predestination is determinism?...
This thread took a turn from a topic that was being discussed a few pages back. The discussion was on free will. I have a question regarding free will: What do we do about the verses and story lines in the Bible that seem to clearly contradict the concept of free will? Take for instance Ephesian...