Favorite team:Harvard 
Biography:Blasian Libertarian
Interests:Film, Traveling
Number of Posts:19028
Registered on:11/8/2006
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Clarence Thomas called Bolton a Libertarian.

re: The Democrats Will Win 2028.

Posted by RollTide4Ever on 2/13/25 at 1:25 pm
Gold is about to hit 3000 and Trump is begging for rate cuts. oof
It's not that complicated. You can start with the golden rule.

re: Thomas and/or Alito

Posted by RollTide4Ever on 2/11/25 at 9:32 am
Justin Amash would sail thru without pushback.

re: Thomas and/or Alito

Posted by RollTide4Ever on 2/11/25 at 9:32 am
People forget that Clarence was originally supposed to replace another justice but Thurgood health took a sudden turn for worse.

re: Thomas and/or Alito

Posted by RollTide4Ever on 2/11/25 at 9:30 am
These guys don't give up power.
Plus, how is ou going to claim him and dog Lincoln Riley in the same breathe?
If Hurts didn't come here, where would he had gone? He was a 4 star but not really known in the recruiting sphere.
The bigger question is why big pharma is a thing.
Americans should have Israeli citizenship.
Like Bill Clinton? Entitlements and military spending will increase debt.

re: Nayib Bukele (El Salvador)

Posted by RollTide4Ever on 2/4/25 at 8:51 am
He's a king, monarchies isn't necessarily bad. Dictatorship used to be an emergency measure for crisis in ancient times. Even the Bible had judges. Unregulated democracy can be burdensome.
Why bring libertarians into this?