Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:247
Registered on:10/23/2006
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I did actually, sucks to deal with the heavy handed short term gains. Still profited in the end....
What do we consider rich. I got in early enough that my $1600 turned into $20k (cashed). It’s not life changing rich, but was a flip. Still have about $600 that I’m just going to let ride. At peak, my investment had been worth $100k, but I didn’t pull it. I’ve got friends who were paper millionai...
I bought a set like these to hang from my garage ceiling and love it. Keeps them out of the way from all the typical things that could break them. [link=(https://www.etsy.com/listing/667255774/ceiling-fishing-rod-holder-20-rods-10?click_key=4c35932e7d276f8c7461e5e455d8f0adb7af2dcf%3A667255774&cli...
TD.com and the Tiger Rant have been key for me keeping up with all things LSU. Keep up the great work...
Why I agree that pogie boats and fishing pressure hasn’t helped the population, it’s also some of the hottest months which also doesn’t help. Others have mentioned hurricanes, which I agree has decimated the coastline and hasn’t helped either. I think areas are changing and the fish are adjust...

re: GME (Gamecoin)

Posted by lsufisherman on 11/4/21 at 5:57 pm
I agree and everyday more and more crap coins are coming out and making people money. I don’t agree that GMEX and Cumrocket are equivalents in the market. But I also understand that GMEX is a token rather than a platform, it’s not anywhere close to BTC and honestly more similar to an NFT. But ...

re: GME (Gamecoin)

Posted by lsufisherman on 11/4/21 at 5:45 pm
Most all of the growth have generally regional buys, as it is not well known or easily accessible. The plan is to get it on one exchange soon if not multiple. Assuming things continue to progress, it certainly seems plausible that it could go to 10+ cents. I think market cap size will hinder i...

re: GME (Gamecoin)

Posted by lsufisherman on 11/4/21 at 5:16 pm
What is interesting is the fact that I saw a thread on TD back when it was 0.00055, regardless of whether it was this thread or another. I had dismissed it as most other on that thread had. A day later a buddy called me telling me about GameCoin and I told him that it was gonna be a rug pull and jus...

re: GME (Gamecoin)

Posted by lsufisherman on 9/28/21 at 9:16 pm
Just FYI they just released a statement on how the project will be moving forward. Seems like beneficial improvements starting with eliminating the big reflections [quote]We appreciate everyone’s patience and want to provide an update to you, the Game Coin community, and share some exciting thing...

re: GME (Gamecoin)

Posted by lsufisherman on 9/18/21 at 6:19 pm
It’s just doing the reverse of how to buy. I sold enough to recoup my investment yesterday. Fairly straightforward Convert GME -> BNB smart Chain via pancake swap Smart chain -> BNB on trust wallet Send BNB to preferred exchange and sell for cash ...
It’s gusting 105 knots at the mouth of sw pass as of now [link=(https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=burl1)]SW Pass[/link]...

re: Leader to braid knot revelation

Posted by lsufisherman on 11/2/20 at 5:50 pm
Just went through a YouTube rabbit hole on the FG knot and found this video that made it seem pretty easy to tie [link=(https://youtu.be/ZPTzkep9xlI)]FG Knot[/link]...
Where are y’all now? We are enjoying it for sure, I am ready to get out on the water and learn some new fishing spots...
A little north of Tampa It’s funny because we lived in LA for so many years and it was a red state, moved to IL which is al blue. Now we live in a state where our vote actually has value... so let’s make it count...
My wife and I relocated to Florida this year. She is in the R total, and I am in the no party affiliation. We are both MAGA...
I only read it when it was just a few posts long, so I can’t say how much further proof or information was provided for the Schiff-Ukraine connection But the OP may not have been legitimate ...
Wasn’t there proof in the volks thread that the article was likely fabricated. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was requested to be deleted...

re: Pickem Survivor

Posted by lsufisherman on 10/12/19 at 11:19 am
:thumbs up: Thanks...