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re: New AP Poll and Coaches Poll

Posted by magildachunks on 11/3/24 at 6:37 pm
[quote]Because Georgia would beat the hell out of any big ten school[/quote] No, they wouldn't l. Georgia is not a good team ...

re: Just looked in at TexAgs.

Posted by magildachunks on 11/2/24 at 10:34 pm
My favorite part is Aggy's calling for Weigman to play. :lol: They thought they had a quarterback ...
Get ready for the tantrum they are about to throw...
[quote]They're gonna score again aren't they [/quote] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/3ZDt0NI6vC0mI/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952rme7vav4bd4a0pyxap0n7m3facxrahrvoa1bv9wu&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...


Posted by magildachunks on 11/2/24 at 10:08 pm
[quote]Cocks gonna storm the field[/quote] That would be very Darude of them....
[quote]theballguy[/quote] Time to stop drinking...
[quote]ColoradoAg[/quote] Show us on the doll where Texas touched you ...
[quote]Fake injury?[/quote] Knowing Aggy, someone stepped on him...
So poised. What are they seeing that I'm not?...
See, a penalty on The Cocks. Now you Aggies can quit bitching ...
Aggy may want to put a defender on that right side to challenge the run...
Amazing what happens when teams game plan....
Aggy lost. Elko punting. He's given up...