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Registered on:12/8/2015
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Israel says, let’s simply trade places. We will rebuild on your undeveloped or in ruins land, and you may have all our condos, houses, and mansions. That land will be yours to manage completely & separately from us. There will be a tolerance for some random breeches of trust, but there will be no...

re: Help us test out a dark mode version...

Posted by Kujo on 2/4/24 at 11:59 am
Testing the beta. [quote]Testing the beta. [/quote] [b]Testing the beta. [/b] [i]Testing the beta. [/i] [u]Testing the beta. [/u] [img]https://s.hinty.io/imgorig/aGzEj9QtGrEetipmuyX6Uu.jpeg[/img] ...
[quote]extended control formula of Roundup adds a pre-emergent, you don't just spray the plant, you spray the whole area (think fence line) and nothing can germinate there for about 3 months. It advertises 6 months but in reality it is about 3, in my experience[/quote] Yea, that’s the plan with w...
Bought a house in California where water & maintenance is more expensive. Decided to go with a rock yard of only 1,300 sqft. The bids I’ve been getting are $12-25K. I figure I can do it myself by spending a faction of that on tools. I got 20 tons of rocks in my future, is this something...
I have a CNN video that’s about 12 mins long. As an experiment, I would like to recreate the exact same interview but I’d want to use a different face for the interviewee and just change the name of the person they are speaking about. I tested the concept (reading a news article to them and ch...
I must be terrible at sex or my dick’s broken. I have no idea how to penetrate a girl without her, allowing me to. I’m being serious, maybe if she’s unconscious or severely inebriated, ok….but conscious and not wanting to….how does it go in by itself? Even the slightest twist of the hips, ...
What’s that got to do with any of us? The only reason it’s posted is the video. ...
[quote]watched The Godfather for the very first time at the movies a few years ago. It was incredible. [/quote] I liked the Wire, but I watched it over a decade ago. I saw the Godfather for the first time just a few years ago (after I saw departed, goodfellas, casino, sopranos, etc) It was...
It’s past its prime. When the Godfather first came out, it was great. However, after all the hundreds of other mafia movies came out duplicating the same themes, it doesn’t really provide any impact to a new viewer. It’s like sizzler was the bomb in the 70s and outback crushed it in the 80...
Estimate the cost of the wedding & number of attendees. Then calculate the “per head” cost associated with your attendance. (You, or you, wife, and kids) Then at least double that amount in cash or gift equivalent. [quote]The **national average cost of a wedding** in the US is **$30,000** ¹...
[quote]my point is just that fewer people overall would be a net positive[/quote] How profound! [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.jZXrm56RCBGOu75YVCWcrQAAAA?dpr=2&pid=ImgDetMain[/img]...
I don’t know. I heard all those warnings about children but my daughter is super cautious. She just turned three and we’ve never had any issues with gross stuff or anything like that. She wasn’t ever a dirty eater, like you see those toddlers with spaghetti all over their face. She just turned...
[quote][img]https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/963a400c147099ae60baf9450af14efa4b0a0552a4c5a93fdfcb26e486572c60_1.jpg[/img][/quote] A story I’m writing has a couple scenes with this very message, along with one for men. In a modern post apocalyptic scene, there’s a line of guys who are being assign...
[quote]Adam Schiff said his family came to America fleeing the Holocaust.[/quote] Not saying he didn’t, but I don’t see that in the Twitter post video. He said they were “fleeing violence like so many others”. Nevermind, didn’t see that the tweet was from him. I thought it was just a link to t...
[quote]There is a much higher percentage of women who wont sleep with a guy if she disagrees with him on major life things.. not all, but many women will look at ideological differences as a rodblaock, more so than men will .[/quote] Yes, women need to be the filter of society. Most will only ...
[quote]Trump handed federal government over to imbeciles[/quote] “You let me get close enough to steal from you. Haha your fault”...

re: NO carjacker shot by victim

Posted by Kujo on 1/26/24 at 11:18 am
“ opening a door shouldn’t be a death sentence”...
Women are the source of all our domestic problems. 1. They demonize men who want to bring order to the chaos that women manifest through their irresponsible behaviors. 2. The public is forced to take care of their mistakes. 3. They are the ones that select & reward irresponsible men. 4. The ec...

re: Nitrogen Man

Posted by Kujo on 1/26/24 at 10:52 am
Fentanyl is cheap just have them fricking OD in bliss. Everyone happy? ...
It’s time to return the favor of what Ross Perot did for Democrats. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/dc/a0/0f/dca00f3d178f10fd4ec8ff20c0ba7aec.jpg[/img]...