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2000 Oregon State is still the fastest team I've ever seen. Dennis Erickson, just like his Miami teams. 11-1

Only loss was by 3-points to Rose Bowl Champion Washington.

Destroyed #10 Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl worse than Alabama a decade later....Notre Dame didn't even cross the 50 yard

No mention of 05 USC?

Needed a superhuman effort by Vince Young to lose.

And yet, it never should've come to that. Bush was having a bad night, blunders (that stupid lateral attempt when USC was about to run away with the game) and he wasn't even on the field for the deciding p

Brady's team never got dominated in any Super Bowl they lost.

Technically his 2007 team got dominated because they were supposed to win by 50 points as the highest scoring team of all-time....And gonna be the undefeated GOAT team....they scored 14 points.

Brady had some real clu

Been talked about for decades.

I remember a friend in maybe 1994 , saying he just threw away pennies. They were worthless in weight in pants to value ratio.
Gotta admit, that across the body no look interception he threw to Cooper which chose the whole game, pick 6 , was rookie Mahomes that everyone celebrated at the time. He had to be more cautious against a really good defense at the highest stage.

re: Troy Directors Cut

Posted by mizzoubuckeyeiowa on 2/10/25 at 3:48 am

Orlando Bloom was such a little bitch in this movie

Well, he's supposed to be. He's Paris.

This movie is vastly underrated. They tried to be faithful to the legend, oral history, one of the first novels.... So to speak.

I think they nailed casting. Helen of Troy was a pr

Andy Reid has been successful no matter who was playing QB . (McNabb, Kolb , Vick, Alex Smith, Mahomes)

Belichick was only good with Brady.

That's gonna be the forever narrative.

Whether you like it or not. Eagles just had better players across the board. This loss is not r
I assume Drew regrets it because she had 5 more paychecks coming....

But the decision made the movie, as it was jarring at the time.....when you walked in thinking she was the lead.

re: The NFL is broken

Posted by mizzoubuckeyeiowa on 2/9/25 at 8:43 pm
You must've not watched the NFL in the 80s or early 90s, almost every game was a blowout.

You were spoiled by the 2000s kid.
KC has at least a 1st down in this game....but yeah, there's the same palpable feel like LSU that they couldn't do shite....and everyone arguing on the sideline and looking like they're hungover.
The lines for the Pisser must be crazy long right about now.
Is there anything Samuel L. Jackson won't do for a paycheck?

Only pick 6 by white guy was Squirek for the Raiders picking off a horrible Theismann pass at the goal line but he was a LB.

Changed the game, less than a min before Halftime, Redskins backed up inside their own 5 , tried to throw a screen.... Raiders DC told the players, he's gonn

Snapper didn’t do anything egregious; two chiefs clearly jumped.

Causing the Eagles to move, clearly a penalty on the Chiefs and should been 1st down.
There's like 5 conspiracy theories in that Ad. :lol:

But it makes sense for recruitment, you don't want your Secret Service Agents being leery.

Lost was way too slow in my opinion.

Lost lived up to its name with its storylines.... The writers got lost, the audience got lost....Soapy Days of Our Lives storytelling looks like Dragnet in comparison to Lost, "just the facts Ma'am'".

As it pertains to this thread, 06 UCLA is more relevant because USC would have been in the title game against OSU.

You just have to laugh at that game looking back.

UCLA's defensive performance snapped USC's NCAA-record streak of 63 consecutive 20-point games.

frickin' 9 point

86 Miami?

I remember thinking it would take a miracle for Penn State to beat them.

Heisman w

Pretty much every Mich-Ohio state game of the 70’s.

You're thinking of USC-Notre Dame in the 70's.