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re: February Only BBall Thread

Posted by Ham Solo on 2/7/25 at 1:23 am
The difference I'm see with Boogie vs. no Boogie is passing. Where rotating the ball now and finding good shots.

Before we just kind of tried to 1 on 1 everybody with not much ball movement. Not saying it's his fault, but the offense seems way more unpredictable at the moment.
I hope all you guys have a great weekend. :cheers:

Man we are in some weird times.

We are in historic times, and I'm loving every minute of it.
It's also possible Trump pulled a Tyrion Lanister and fed different stories around to find leakers. I can't see him sharing this plan outside of his inner circle unless that was the case.

The more likely scenario is this person on X is making shite up. Time will tell.
4chan needs to start the fake sterilize yourself campaign now. Spread it far and wide amongst the leftist echo chambers.

re: February Only BBall Thread

Posted by Ham Solo on 2/6/25 at 5:44 pm

I've been as impressed with his defense as I have his offense.

Yeah, he caught my eye on defense last night, so I started paying attention to that specifically. He was absolutely glued to his man, and took zero time off on the defensive end. Really impressive.
You would have to have permission from the state government unless federal demands this be done in every state.

I'm also pretty sure Musk and team are using tech and software nobody else has. Not sure anyone else could move this fast unless he shares the resources.
So let me get this straight. The feds can't prosecute because of the pardon, but states can prosecute individually?

Correct me if I'm not getting it.
But, but, Trump is supposed to start a war with them.

The Art of the Deal.

The left will never learn.
Bring it back. The days of censorship are over. There is no longer anything to fear about having those discussions.
It also annoys me when someone says "Right" after every thing I say.
My truth

When someone says that I instantly think they're full of shite.

re: I dont know if I can handle

Posted by Ham Solo on 2/5/25 at 3:38 pm
Okay, I'm still good. You rest for a while and I'll try to handle your portion oof the winning until you're rested.

re: Trump Winning Streak

Posted by Ham Solo on 2/5/25 at 3:32 pm


Exactly. Today is not over yet.
Hard to get proper legislation from folks that have been taking all that USAID cash. I say just keep pounding them faster than they can keep up.
The reason they oppose it is because it highlights the fact these people are still actually men. It disrupts the false reality they have created in their own minds.

They would prefer to let a tranny dominate other women so they can say "That girl is really good",

re: Top this melt.

Posted by Ham Solo on 2/4/25 at 10:55 pm
It's a crazy trans person on Facebook from my area. Not going to link it, my intention isn't to get anyone harassed.