Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:103418
Registered on:4/11/2015
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[quote]does that sign really say "Nia Jax is my hall pass"??[/quote]Not optimal....
Cousin Liv looks to be in good fighting shape tonight....
Them security guys holding back Nia need to be hired permanently!...
2Pawz is ready for more gold. [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/f5YiCE51Cn5Fjasw1z6R10vbio6syNT6R9UvKw6aVsg/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9jZG4x/LnBpY3VraS5jb20v/aG9zdGVkLWJ5LWlu/c3RhZ3JhbS9xL3ll/cDZJUGtPMUVCR1p5/UGJjTVVXeSt0Zmph/ZHhSdzlMLmpwZWc width=350[/img]...
I hope you're not suggesting that Drew is a liar....
[quote]"shave your moustache" chants[/quote]The show needs to be stopped and the arena needs to be cleared....
Rt3 ... what happened to Dom's arm in the yard?...
[quote]These people dared to express displeasure at how upset I was over our tribal chief losing at Wrestlemania. They told me things like "chill out" and "you take this shite too seriously". It was horrible![/quote]Disgusting! What terrible thing must happen to the human race before we can express o...
I'm glad Otis can take some constructive criticism....
[quote]I wish he'd stop talking about my favorite lunch order[/quote][img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/hzsbxkao7GnyuVlvaooj8WHfJhJk7UC-29JFPqBdLqU/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9wcmV2/aWV3LnJlZGQuaXQv/ZmU2NmxtaG1ieWox/MS5qcGc_YXV0bz13/ZWJwJnM9MTVlYzky/NTVlMDM4ZTUwNGNi/MTE1ZTZmODI1ODc3/NTBmZGJhOWMwN...
Cathy causing the distraction. :pimp:...
Shinsuke was trying to be sneaky but Drew stopped him....
Agreed. I'm not joining in all that ridiculousness. Drew's burger after burger line was pretty creative, though....
Drew needs to just take Pat's headset....