Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Ocean Springs, MS
Interests:LSU, Beer, Food
Occupation:US Army
Number of Posts:10820
Registered on:8/2/2006
Online Status:Not Online

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Thats shocking if true. Morris will transfer at the end of the semester and Bateman is at Receiver. Would expect him to transfer too.
Wish I could take him. Have several hundred acres and plenty of water, I just have to go to VA for four months in a few weeks
Have you spent time in Baghdad? If you have, did you spend time on patrols? If not, shut the frick up.
I spent two years in that shite. We had snow in Feb. of 2005 in Baquaba.
Baghdad is humid as frick. There are two big arse rivers all around it. Not south LA humid, but it's on par with Central LA.
I remember temps in the 120s maybe low 130s while over there.

re: Fishing report in Delacroix?

Posted by LSUTiger205 on 7/31/15 at 4:12 pm
Check out Sweetwater's Facebook page. They said the trout are showing up on the interior of the marsh. We killed the Reds and blacks two weeks ago.
I'd hire you if you can do the job. I am one of the few officers you will find with tattoos.

re: What would the OB do?

Posted by LSUTiger205 on 7/23/15 at 8:45 pm
Plucked him on the nut sack.
Extra spark plug, coil pack, bottle opener, lighter

re: Help me name this bait

Posted by LSUTiger205 on 7/21/15 at 9:29 am
If he wants a true OB name and in honor of Diesel, I say we go with, The Wop Head Dolly.

re: Help me name this bait

Posted by LSUTiger205 on 7/21/15 at 9:21 am
Da Bayou Booty Blasta'
In your experience, they are? What fricking bubble do you live in? Show me some media sources where this is substantiated.
I spent 3 years in them. If the moderate Muslims hate the radicals so much, why aren't more speaking out?
You ever lived in a Muslim country? When you have come back and we can talk.
I'm boycotting with an x since my image I had from 2006 was banned.
It's that the 75 percent of the 1.6 billion aren't speaking out in mass against the violence.