Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:1932
Registered on:12/31/2014
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[quote]Puff Daddy and Neil Patrick Harris?[/quote] Spit out some of my drink on that one…. Kudos...
seemed a bit eclectic and obviously often unhappy, but somehow charming and enjoyed the simple things in life, all at the same time...
[quote]Some baw here can fix her.[/quote] Don’t do it baws. That bish real crazy. Did something bad enough to be that pretty and still ordered held without bond, this whole naked sandwich incident, then bit a lieutenant while they were trying to calm her down....
[quote]If it’s bright as hell and you’re shooting a fast aperture, 2.8 or around there, you need a fast shutter to avoid overexposure.[/quote] This. 1/8000 makes sense to me. Probably ISO 100 or 64 depending on body. [link=(https://www.slrlounge.com/photography-essentials-the-sunny-16-rule/)]Ru...
Hard to predict because kids develop so fast but seems ok for video game and they’re probably basing a lot on stats rather than personal evals. I think K Jackson is an animal though. ...

re: The best picture ever taken

Posted by Play_Neck on 7/14/24 at 5:04 pm
see thread immediately below yours...
I was there. I was dazzled at first, then around halftime started realizing we weren't fooling anyone. We were just way more athletic than BYU. (Still fun to be in the dome for a whoopin)....
Good for him. It's a minimum deal, but I believe for his amount of service, that's over $3 million. Garrett's done great for himself....
[quote]Considering Jayden Daniels had an 80 yard run clocked at 21.8mph last year.[/quote] In pads, is your difference there....
Yea, like what if you have a heavy slate roof or those heavy orange terra cotta tiles...

re: LSU 13 @ WOFFORD 6 Final - ESPN

Posted by Play_Neck on 6/2/24 at 1:56 pm
[quote]Anderson will be our next great one[/quote] Some really good stuff, for sure. ...

re: LSU 13 @ WOFFORD 6 Final - ESPN

Posted by Play_Neck on 6/2/24 at 1:36 pm
Well done Herring! ...

re: Tennessee 4 @ LSU 3 Final

Posted by Play_Neck on 5/26/24 at 5:51 pm
Way to fight it out boys. Keep improving and fighting next two weeks and it'll be fun....

re: Google AI needs to be shut down

Posted by Play_Neck on 5/26/24 at 8:53 am
Oh my gosh. :lol: didn't know it was that bad. Elon called them out on this and media tried to belittle him for it. ...
awful, Grrrl. The damage you guys were posting in OK & TX makes the heart go out, to say the least. Tough recovery for those families and communities....

re: South Carolina 11 @ LSU 12 Final

Posted by Play_Neck on 5/25/24 at 4:46 pm
[quote]loogaroo[/quote] Oh my... very nice, very nice...