Favorite team:Alabama 
Biography:Birth..Life..No idea
Interests:Lots of stuff
Number of Posts:12006
Registered on:11/22/2014
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bawco and that Larry guy are the same person ...
And yet people on this board say they want smaller government ...
Anakin should have raised Luke. Obviously his Aunt and Uncle were flaming liberals. ...
[quote]Grown men shouldn’t play video games”[/quote]This is dumb. I'm 47 and still love playing video games. ...
She's married to a goofy white dude and her step daughter is as hairy as Bigfoot. I don't think black people are going to relate to that....
[quote]Honestly Trump should just hunker down in Mar A Lago until January 20th, dismiss the Secret Service, and use Elon’s cash to hire the world’s best mercenaries for protection.[/quote]No. Trump isn't Basement Biden. He needs to be out doing his thing and spreading the message. Trump/Vance 20...
[quote]I heard he was cut by glass that became shrapnel from the bullet.[/quote]Tell your boyfriend he doesn't know what the frick he's talking about ...
[quote]There are way to many white people who are gaming the system and relying on the government to call it a black problem like you just did.[/quote]I agree with you. There are tons of shitty white people who use the system as a game and they should be prosecuted and thrown in prison. ...
I have an idea. How about we stop giving shite to black people and make them do it for themselves? I'm so fricking sick of the "what are you going to do for the black community" line. Until they stop depending on the government to feed and house them, nothing will ever change. ...

re: So my phone died... ok.. and??

Posted by Iron Lion on 7/19/24 at 11:24 am
[quote]. But think about what would happen if all phones owned by Republicans were to all of a sudden just die[/quote]Explain how this would happen. How would it just be Republicans? Registered Republicans? Registered but don't vote? Dems Registered as Republicans so they can vote in primaries?...