Favorite team:Mississippi St. 
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Registered on:11/1/2014
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re: Saturday SEC Basketball

Posted by AllbyMyRelf on 1/11/25 at 9:15 pm
At the game now. The last time it was like this was 2012 in Stansbury’s last year...
My trip to DC got canceled due to weather so driving over to Starkville instead. Anyone have 2 tickets for the Kentucky game?...

re: State is a top 10 team

Posted by AllbyMyRelf on 1/7/25 at 10:07 pm
120 seconds...

re: State is a top 10 team

Posted by AllbyMyRelf on 1/7/25 at 9:58 pm
Great. Now we’re gonna lose...
I have never done an elimination diet, and I’m not on a carnivore diet, but I do try to stay away from sugary and processed foods. My general philosophy about diet is that if it hasn’t been around for 1000 years, be skeptical about eating it. This is my aspirational principle that I sometimes fail t...
[quote]Anxiety been out of control lately worrying about this[/quote]I know how you feel. It sucks, but no matter the outcome, you will cope with it and your anxiety will get better. In 2023, I woke up with severe tinnitus. A few weeks later, I was getting vertigo spells. A few weeks later, I had...
I assume you went to a neurologist? Why no contrast? Other ear type symptoms: tinnitus, aural fullness, hearing loss? Any other neurological symptoms: paresthesias, weakness in limbs? Is it all the time or just in episodes? ...
I’ve had what I thought was eczema for many years. It was diagnosed as eczema while I was in college by a dermatologist. But recently I was reviewing the symptoms and mine don’t seem to match—mine doesn’t itch and isn’t in the typical location of eczema. It seems to be in the locations found for pso...
[quote]blowhard twenty-something twink[/quote]porn brain...
[quote]By whom?[/quote]My understanding is that the U.S. Senate ratified the U.N. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which explicitly calls out punitive amputation as torture....
[quote]Would it be considered cruel and unusual if the offender selected it. Life in prison or we cut off your hand type of situation.[/quote]I don’t know. I suspect this may have already come up with respect to surgical castration. Without researching that, my guess would be that the Court would w...
I don’t believe there has been a ruling on whether chemical castration would be considered cruel and unusual. While I would support chemical castration for heinous sex offenses, my prediction would be that SCOTUS would hold that it violates the 8th amendment....
Punitive limb amputation is considered to be torture, which would violate the 8th amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment. Not *all* corporal punishment is considered cruel and unusual (e.g., the death penalty is a form of corporal punishment), but my response was directed speci...
[quote]Corporal Punishment - Why Don't We Do It?[/quote]Because it’s unconstitutional. ...
[quote]I challenge you to name just 1 member that told the truth to get into Congress. They all are liars both D and R.[/quote]Is your argument “they’re all liars, so we must trust them”?...
How stupid was it to give the Panama canal away...

re: GMT (NSFW)

Posted by AllbyMyRelf on 12/20/24 at 8:03 am
[quote]“Small Town America,” can’t even define Conservatism.[/quote]Can you?...