Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:Hunting and Golf
Occupation:self employed
Number of Posts:737
Registered on:10/3/2014
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Well Nike uses slave labor to make their products anyway. Why anyone buys their crap blows my mind. As usual to many people have their head in the sand. ...
One more year at LSU with similar success would increase his stock. Not to mention, he would be traveling 1st class at LSU opposed to traveling on a bus and staying in cheap hotels!...

re: Jump was the wrong move IMO

Posted by Doctor K on 6/5/24 at 6:54 pm
Really he had two outs and two strikes On the batter! That was a fluke play, 9 times out of 10 Brown makes that catch. Baseball is baseball things happen good and bad. I bring Jump in every time in that situation. ...

re: I hope all of you realize it

Posted by Doctor K on 5/26/24 at 5:12 am
It’s called great coaching and maturing of young players! This team is young and still growing! ...
Gage, he has had 4 days rest! Johnson has said they have been work to get him ready to pitch on 4 days rest! ...
Jefferson was a 3 star! It’s called having the heart to achieve and being developed by our coaching! Plenty talented receivers in Louisiana! ...
Well the dumb ump should clarify what he did wrong! First we can read the damn rule. Show us what part of the rule he committed! I say none! 1) he caught the ball behind the plate2) he never stepped on or in front of home plate! Where was the infraction?...

re: Kling in April: .426 OB% & .270 BA.

Posted by Doctor K on 4/27/24 at 9:39 pm
Dude his BA is 217 overall. His out of conference is better than in SEC. You ever heard of a slump? ...

re: Kling in April: .426 OB% & .270 BA.

Posted by Doctor K on 4/27/24 at 9:31 pm
You are out of your mind!...
Sophomore slump I hope! Jay needs to take him out for awhile I think this slump is affecting his physic ...
Go look at stats, we have matched every team with hits all year, no matter who we played! It’s been a matter of hits at the right time!...

re: Pearson over Bingham vs lefty

Posted by Doctor K on 4/27/24 at 7:53 pm
Pearson needed that one...
Hoping second half of season changes. We need to bench Klingon and Pearson for a bit give some others a chance. We need people on base when the big boys come up to bat...
Leaders need to step up. Go back and look at every game, we get as many hits as our opponent but didn’t string hits together in same inning and our home runs were solo not with men on base. That will come, I worry about the bull pen. Last year bull pen was the same. Johnson will figure it out. Th...

re: Et tu Jeff Landry?

Posted by Doctor K on 4/2/24 at 8:53 pm
No he didn’t. KM did and this team are a disgrace! ...

re: Will Reese and HVL Stay?

Posted by Doctor K on 4/2/24 at 8:51 pm
Not staying! ...
On what planet was that a good nite? Out coached, out played and flat out out classed in every way. From before the game even started. LSU doesn’t even come out on the floor for the national anthem! Disgrace if I would have that I would not even watched them. That will be the last time I watch, ...

re: Who are we blaming tonight?

Posted by Doctor K on 3/30/24 at 10:17 am
Hey this team is going through growing pains, Johnson will have it figured out when it really needs to be. Will the repeat no one knows but they will be playing better...

re: We take too many 3’s

Posted by Doctor K on 1/24/24 at 8:27 pm
I would agree! It would be different if we had a really good team shooting from 3 pt range but we suck at it!...