Favorite team:Georgia 
Location:Shit hole with your momma
Biography:Was raised by wolves, then kicked them out to live with the animals (humans).
Occupation:I lay the pipe.
Number of Posts:826
Registered on:9/16/2014
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

[quote] He who controls space controls the world.[/quote]Actually it is pants. [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfxigNLXKz4)]He who controls the pants, controls the galaxy[/link]...
[quote]Price of Mojo: $20 Price of OPMS: $30 [/quote]You sound like a sucker. If you buy kratom, buy it online. It is very cheap, like $3 for an oz if bought in bulk ($100 a kilo). But in those capsules, they only usually hold like around .5 grams, so on the OPMS, you 7 caps, which is like 3.5...
[quote]Yeah, let’s just burn millions of pounds of a valuable cash crop so the fricking narcs can virtue signal [/quote]Just really goes to show how fricking retarded the people who run this country truly are. Colorado among the other states, has been profiting off billion of dollars since full l...
[img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/8ad4d2ed04f3094456f12d099251727e/tenor.gif[/img] God damn immigrant mentality. ...
Trump is a dumb frick. What happened to freedom and capitalism cuck? :usa:...

re: What is the code of Eskimo bros?

Posted by dawgsjlw on 3/28/19 at 5:05 pm
[quote]You are literally too stupid to insult.[/quote]Cut him some slack, he was made by a woman. ...
[quote]Its funny you think that would stop illegal immigration [/quote]How the frick are they going to survive? If they can't work, are the other illegals gonna to support them? ...
What kind of pussy gets taken to the hospital for getting punched? ...
[quote]But when every hombre or celestial is dashing across the border with no consequnces we have a problem.[/quote]Well who the frick is hiring these illegals? Illegals? Or fricking Americans (aka whites?)? So why not punish those who hire the illegals, as that will solve the problem. Puttin...
[quote]OT’s thoughts on volunteer workers at huge hospitals[/quote]Kind of reminds me of the SuperBowl last year and the NFL was looking for like 10,000 volunteers. Hospitals make a shite ton of money, so pay for the workers, you cheap sons of bitches. ...
[quote]Bitch, stop lying on Jesus.[/quote]The mother of all lies is that Mary wasn't a virgin. ...
[quote]Death penalty too extreme?[/quote]Yea that is. What they should do is give this perp 10 hot dogs, and tell him only 5 hotdogs are unadulterated but put anthrax in all of them. Tell him to pick one and he is free to go after eating it all. ...
Trump is a POS, so are 99% of the politicians in DC. The US is the land of the corporations and money rules the day. The media has done such a great job brainwashing and creating divide amongst the citizens that it will take a long time or some big events for us citizens to truly unite. Do people...
[quote]Now if she had popped a cap in his arse right after he spit on her I think she would have been 100% justified IMO.[/quote]"Officer, he spat on me and I felt threatened for my life so I just had to murder him." :rolleyes:...
[quote]Doesn't even matter what the cases were filed over. Could have been some idiot settling because his flu vaccination wasn't effective.[/quote]Why the frick would the vacc companies settle with some idiot for his flu vac for not working? These settlements seem to be for those who are neg...
Damn is that what the new 25 looks like? Got damn the quad might be fricked if so. ...
[quote]Bwhahaha 83? Need to totally reevaluate how we are giving out millions of these each year.[/quote]Yeah because there was only 83 affected by the vaccines and 100% of the settled with them in a special vaccine court (how even more fricked up is that?). ...
[quote]Ok I'll play. Let's say this guy isn't lying. The woman is senile and is threatening his family. It is clear this schitzo can't do anything. She's old, frail, and mentally ill. [/quote]What if she had a gun and was looking to gain some more street cred? ...
[quote]Damn, what happened at the very end? [/quote]Guy that was following them "hit'n'runner" finally got close enough behind them and flashed his lights. The car immediately stops and then unloads 18 bullets of hot 9mm lead into the driver, 3 in the head, but no one dies. It was pretty uneventfu...

re: Lets talk hand guns

Posted by dawgsjlw on 3/25/19 at 11:08 am
[quote]You plan on shooting 38s until you see that 357s are pretty much the same price and wayyyyyy more fun[/quote]Well it isn't so much me but family memembers as the reason to shoot 38's. Maybe they will end up being able to tolerate the 357's but I'm assuming not so that is why I'll probably be...