Favorite team:Georgia 
Number of Posts:2286
Registered on:9/11/2014
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Ain't a heterosexual guy here gonna fault him for this....
[link=(https://www.newschannel5.com/news/newschannel-5-investigates/metro-nashville-police-arrest-onlyfans-cop-sean-herman)]LINK[/link] [quote]The video — titled "Can't believe he didn't arrest me" — was originally posted by a woman named Jordin ...Jordin is then heard saying, “I’m not going to g...
[quote]Over the next decade who will challenge Texas in the SEC?[/quote] Vandy but it’s always a fight at the bottom of the barrel so who knows....
Stopped watching NFL 30 years ago. Saturdays used to revolve around CFB. No more. With every year I become less interested. NIL, changing teams when you don't get the snaps you think you deserve, opting out for bowl games. Saban's wife was 100% correct in asking him, "Why are we doing this, bec...
[quote]Probably could have another DA take them up but they were always bullshite charges and Willis’ pet project. Hopefully nobody else is deranged enough to carry this torch.[/quote] There's only about 4 more counties in Georgia capable of taking on the case. 99% don't have the human and finan...
[link=(https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4485060-trump-investigator-offers-cell-phone-data-casting-doubt-on-fani-willis-relationship-timeline/)]She's gone.[/link] [quote]On Friday, Trump’s team filed with the court the report...revealed a minimum of 35 occasions when Mr. Wade’s phone c...
Supposedly Gemini is almost incapable of producing an image of a white person. Pope [img]https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th/id/OIF.mN9KHPhQrjvEU9UzDx965A?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain[/img] Viking [img]https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/XYsyjbzo3x4mFmqVaIExyA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTcwNTtoPTQ0MQ--/https://...

re: Senator Blutarsky has passed

Posted by SemperFiDawg on 2/15/24 at 5:11 pm
[quote]You aren't that important.[/quote] No. No I'm not and IMHO neither was he....
[quote]September28....Could be a turning point for your program's history. You can live to fight another day. Or it could be THE most crushing loss in Georgia history yes I said it. Even worse than Tua to Smith because of the long term effects. That game vs Alabama on the road is a must win. Y...

re: Senator Blutarsky has passed

Posted by SemperFiDawg on 2/12/24 at 8:59 pm
Didn't care for him and his pro LGBTQ nazi style. 15 years or so ago he issued an edict that in effect stated any comments that were seen as critical to the LGBTQ agenda would result in an instant and permanent ban. I replied I would save him the trouble. Deleted my account and never returned. L...

re: Saban retiring

Posted by SemperFiDawg on 1/11/24 at 9:47 am
[quote]My son told me their top target is Dan Lanning. Any word on this?[/quote] They would be crazy not to offer Lanning IMHO....
The man is the best college football coach that has ever lived. I cannot envision his accomplishments ever being equaled. I'm 57 years old and count myself blessed to have witnessed his coaching career and his impact on your program. He represented not only Alabama, but the entirety of College Fo...
This comes down to do you trust Kirby to make the best decisions. I do....


Posted by SemperFiDawg on 12/3/23 at 12:11 pm
Could not happen to a more deserving team. IMHO this year was Sabans best coaching job. I’m happy for all of you and wish you the best going forward. Hoping to see you win it all as I will be pulling for you. Best wishes and may God bless you and your loved ones through this Christmas Season....

re: Hire Faulkner

Posted by SemperFiDawg on 12/2/23 at 8:57 pm
[quote]I’m going to bed[/quote] Best decision you've made in this thread....

re: I'm Thankful

Posted by SemperFiDawg on 12/2/23 at 8:53 pm
Same here. I can't fathom being upset over such a close loss, not after these last 2 years. Whatever amount of disappointment I have over the loss is vastly outweighed at the gratitude I have for living to see UGA football reach this point. ...
At least 2 of them have opposing thumbs. There goes that myth....

re: Height of Hypocrisy

Posted by SemperFiDawg on 11/30/23 at 11:36 am
[quote]They say it's about tradition, but it's really to keep Bama fans from reverting to factory settings[/quote] Thank you Sir. That was funny....
For all the flack Stetson Bennett caught for his age, it at least seems like Nix has been playing NCAA football for 2 decades. ...