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re: Mushrooms all over my back yard

Posted by TimeOutdoors on 7/23/24 at 7:58 pm
Wish more people understood the benefits of mushrooms and their relationship with plants. ...
He should just send Tulsi to debate her. Remember how it went last time?...
I flew Delta this morning with a connection in Atlanta. My flight wasn’t affected. I seemed to be one of the few. ...
Just arrived to DC. I’m one of the few that didn’t have any interruptions other than a gate change. ...
I can’t imagine how damaged someone’s mind must be to ever wish someone was shot. Just something I will never be able to comprehend thankfully. ...
Never underestimate Lindsey’s ability to screw things up. ...
I flipped over expecting them to have something new planned, but it was about the speech being dark and gloomy and Russian officials were supporting Trump. It's pretty bad when they can't even come up with new material. ...
He would have a good argument to stay. I mean for the last 6 months every democrat and expert on CNN and MSNBC has said he was "as sharp as a tack". Are they going to say they lied? ...
Whoever said Hulk should be Trump’s press secretary is a genius. ...
My prediction.. Joy Reid will claim Trump looked left the majority of the time on stage so the bandage was showing (claiming it wasn’t needed). ...
Trump did this because Kid Rock has had his back since day 1. I’m not a KR fan but I respect the hell out of that. ...
[quote]They take it personal all the shite that was thrown at their Dad[/quote] This...
Going to have to do something soon because this is starting to kill the momentum. ...
[quote]She is humanizing Trump and showing his appeal as a boss and an entrepreneur.[/quote] Spent most of my career in the golf resort/development industry. She’s 100% on point. While we were a competitor, you always end up using the same contractors and consultants. Nothing but rave review...
Heads have to be exploding at MSNBC...
The same thing they were preparing to do 4 years ago when they thought Bernie might be the candidate. ...
There should be instructions on breaking it in. I would at least do that. ...
[quote]Was Mike Tyson not available tonight?[/quote] I think they may have been afraid of the ear jokes. ...
I think this is going to be skewed by the number of white Americans that choose to live in remote places where the cost of living is lower and their salaries. I am one of them. ...
Will it be 2028 or 2032 when they start trying to buy votes with mortgage forgiveness? ...