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[quote]Any of y'all played around with this? What could the OT come up with?[/quote] I’ve hooked it up to my obsidian notes (where I track stuff for work) and I have it automatically make songs about my day using a python script I wrote For example part of my daily running notes included somethi...
[quote]Of all the renewable snakeoil it just seems like it's the oiliest.[/quote] idk about oiliest but its definitely the most murderous just ask the birds...
idk if you saw this, but at the top area (that looks like a search bar) you do the song style (90s pop or whatever) but then you have to go below and can do some other options, hit 'custom lyrics'. if you give more than 300 characters or so it screws up and sounds like random syllables, gotta do...
[link=(https://www.udio.com/songs/mEqhSkSs8uyeH9hpLZZE2y)]bama christmas in style of a carol with pop influence[/link] I got 3 strikes so i'm in timeout for a while, gotta avoid proper names like LSU I guess. But play around with it, i'm betting you can make some dynamite stuff. I did some b...
[quote]fr33manator[/quote]hey fr33, i plugged it into Udio (AI song making), it breaks down after about 1m of generation but here's a link [link=(https://www.udio.com/songs/jXEPF7YXxQCF7m4Tr3umzn)]mediocrates in style of kenny rodgers[/link] didn't you have one about the 2019 season and fans who'...
I used to be able to peruse old threads for nostalgia's sake went to look up 2019 football stuff on the rant and can only go back to 200; manual navigation or clicking back further just redirects to page 200 for example, [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/lsu-sports/page-504/)]https://...

re: Chili's might end McDonald's

Posted by wileyjones on 4/30/24 at 7:59 pm
i'll never forgive chili's for what they did to pam beesly [img]https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2017/02/08/15/dudies1.jpg[/img] ...
[quote]AI is getting good[/quote]fr33 has been doing this for years, this is his jam ...
[quote]2 bullets is all that’s needed[/quote][img]https://y.yarn.co/af6661bc-d793-43fd-a464-df6bac2dfe40_text.gif[/img]...
actually a pretty cool story for my nerds out there. they never really lost contact with it. one of the chips finally failed (remember it was made in the 70s). the chip was responsible for packaging up the health and science data. they remotely updated the firmware with the code from the failed ...
[quote]As a non-Louisiana resident, are the circumstances of St. George completely unique? Or are there other similar areas across the state that may incorporate in response?[/quote] there are some other examples in the Baton Rouge area that weren’t an issue the unique thing here is that democrat...
[quote]Blood-covered horses run loose through London.[/quote] [img]https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/arya-horse-meaning-game-of-thrones-1557839952.jpg[/img] still makes more sense than the random horse at the end of game of thrones ...
[quote]believe it or not she is a twin. [/quote] in that case pics of wife aren’t needed pics of the twin?...
[quote]a lot of people view it as an equitable change[/quote] because every sun belt and mac school can afford athletes too? The frick kind of drugs is this guy on :lol:...
[quote]Cocaine inside Kindergartener's school cubby [/quote][img]https://media.tenor.com/fq9BhDn_rRMAAAAM/elmo-drugs.gif[/img]...
[quote]when an archaea swallowed a bacterium that became the mitochondria[/quote]so swallowing is good for the environment and the future of mankind?...
[quote]the most significant price reduction of $5500 and drops from $75,590 to $70,090[/quote]:lol:...