Favorite team:LSU 
Location:north Mississippi
Biography:the highlight of my LSU career was the semester I was on both academic and disciplinary probation!
Interests:LSU football, shooting sports, r/c planes, homebrewing, organic gardening, reading
Occupation:health professional
Number of Posts:1229
Registered on:9/7/2003
Online Status:Not Online

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Several of these Tennessee players

Posted by GasMan on 2/9/25 at 4:32 pm
appear to be dudes.

That is all./

re: Saving for college/car etc..

Posted by GasMan on 2/6/25 at 12:48 am
I was able to save $125K each in Mississippi 529 for my two daughters. It has worked out well.

Older daughter has her graduate year left in accounting starting this summer so is just a little over a year away from gainful employment. She spent a year at local cc so we saved big there and when s
I just started watching this a few weeks ago after all these years. In 4th season. What a show. Now I see what everybody has been talking about all these years.

I bet they has a blast making that show.

Imperioli does look like shite.

re: Anyone watched Saturday Night yet?

Posted by GasMan on 1/29/25 at 12:35 pm
I thought the movie was pretty good. They did do a good job of making you wonder how they were ever going to pull it off.


immediately followed it up with watching the first episode on peacock.

I did the same thing. The first episode really wasn't that great I didn't think. T
Good movie. Thanks for the rec. Enjoyed it.
Put me down in the He Deserves Significant Jail Time column.

But will he actually get it? I just have no experience with this sort of thing. Be it seems like people do bad things all the time and waltz right back out on the streets.

And the NFL hardly bats an eye at domestic abuse and other
Louisiana Woman blog Chicken Fricassee

Made it this weekend; it was a big hit, everybody ate the hell out of it and wanted more.

The only thing I do different is dust the chicken pieces with flour bef

re: Kim’s Rotation

Posted by GasMan on 1/9/25 at 8:29 pm
When you surpass her in national championships feel free to call her and criticize.

re: Hardest day of my life

Posted by GasMan on 1/7/25 at 8:32 am
Terribly sorry to see this sir. Sending positivity into the ether for you.

I have turned around and lit them up with my 1000- lumen Surefire flashlight for a second or two.

They go graveyard quiet.
I actually got a minor in German in college and could read and write pretty well when I graduated but it is very difficult to get enough conversational practice even within the department, and I never did really master it.

Mostly gone now, but there were always hot chicks in the classes.

re: Baylor will destroy LSU

Posted by GasMan on 1/1/25 at 11:27 am
That roughing call was pretty humorous I thought, the QB kind of plowed the field with his face.
Been eating boudin all my life. I’m a squeezer, but I got nothing against people who eat the casing.

I just never developed the habit, when I was a kid I thought the casings were gross.
Winter is hog slaughtering time, greens and cabbage are cool weather crops, always dried beans and cornmeal on the shelf, it all fits together naturally.

re: Baylor will destroy LSU

Posted by GasMan on 1/1/25 at 11:01 am
That’s funny.

One of the things I was happy to see yesterday, and remarked to the people watching the game with me, was that LSU did actually appear to want to be there playing.
Salmon patties, kippered herring, smoked oysters, mackerel, sardines in mustard or hot sauce, smoked eel, a little pile of sauerkraut, crackers, and cream cheese with scallions, oh hell yeah.
Beautiful work as usual DV.
Sorry that makes your pussy hurt.

Merry Christmas, Pussy.

re: Why did the playoff go past 8 teams?

Posted by GasMan on 12/21/24 at 5:29 pm
8 would be more than enough.