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Galactic Inquisitor

Favorite team:LSU 
Location:An Incredibly Distant Star
Biography:IGNORE ME!!!
Occupation:To observe and pass judgement by elaborate, unspecified criteria
Number of Posts:15496
Registered on:12/10/2013
Online Status:Not Online

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Y'all know she was wearing that top like a titty sling, but adjusted it for the pics....
[quote]I’m not saying she’s right. I’m saying it’s reasonable to be pissed at him for not knowing it was the real her. That’s a fairly understandable reaction. Especially considering she’s a woman and that’s exactly how they would all react. Of course Hughie ultimately didn’t do anything intentio...
[quote] Here's where I stand on this. Florida panhandle beaches - overrated as hell. too crowded and too chubby. Go down to Tulum, or a caribbean beach full of Europeans? amazing scenery [/quote] Panhandle beaches aren't covered in decomposing sargassum, though....
[quote]Rule #1 for potential corvette owners: Don't buy one for what other people might think or can see.[/quote] How is it that every corvette owner broke rule #1 right out the gate?...
No, I have never assaulted a transvestite....
[quote] Brocolli...look if you have to cover it with that much cheese to be able to eat it, you don't like brocolli.[/quote] What if we aren't fatties and enjoy it with nothing more than a little salt and pepper?...
[quote]Gin[/quote] One of the finest spirits for crafting the finest cocktails....
[quote]Not only did they not match the Amazon terms, they asked for a payment plan.[/quote] Yeah, that alone warrants the rejection....
[quote]The area around the University of Miami makes the area between LSU and I-10 look like Beverly Hills. It is breath taking just outside the campus in Miami.[/quote] These 2 sentences don't seem to match....
[quote]I would like to think I, and/or my partner, would have taken the hit from the boiling liquid and with luck, would not be horribly scarred for the rest of my life[/quote] I really, really hope you are not or never will be accepted into law enforcement. If you're a cop, God help us....
[quote]You can act like she was hissing at him and rearing back to throw the pot across the room like a discus but it’s absurd[/quote] Bootlickers love nothing more than licking boots....
[quote]Highly emotional low IQ people with zero sense of personal responsibility will only ever see the big bad white cop shoot a small Black woman in her kitchen for making Mac and cheese.[/quote] Projecting much?...
[quote]Most useless dumbass creature.[/quote] They were put here for me to enjoy their backstrap, so you can kiss my arse....
[quote]The plants being here are the only thing keeping us from becoming West Virginia, New Mexico, or Mississippi.[/quote] Having one of the most secure deep draft port systems in the world helps. It's also why we get to be the toxic dump of America, though....
[quote]Is Ascension going to go “Naw, don’t automate that, Pookie can handle it!”?[/quote] Go to the first 12 baws in the Cabela's parking lot and ask them if they like the fact that their company is increasing automation. Report back....
Because a large portion of impaired drivers are dopeheads who blow 0....
[quote] Well known tidbit that raw dawgin’ is preferred in Africa[/quote] [embed][/embed]...
Hurricane Andrew (1st TS of the season) wasn't named until August 17. The season is just getting started, you dolt....
[quote]That sort of thinking is what leads to Uvalde school shooting situations.[/quote] Wait, I didn't know she was actively shooting children. That wasn't clear in the video of her cowering while holding a pot....
[quote]that is like testing a Cervical cancer cure on men[/quote] Huh? The nature of STDs makes them far more infectious to the hole than the pole. Now, in western societies where it has been fairly controlled outside of the gay population, it may be a different story....