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Yes - we must protect our endangered predators. It's for the good of the planet....

re: Almost Sharia Law time in Britain

Posted by tigerpawl on 7/7/24 at 11:30 pm
The UK used to be such a wondrous place. ...
I allow it. Actually, there are so many qualified candidates that it's frightening. So much political talent who can articulate the message so well....
Jimmy Dore... he makes a good point. I’ve seen this more than once since the debate. The first was Van Jones. Despite Dore being flip-floppy and working both sides of the street, he makes a revealing point here. The talking heads are all saying the same thing now…how they’ve “known and loved Biden f...

re: Who is the worst president ever?

Posted by tigerpawl on 7/7/24 at 1:12 pm
Don’t forget Jimmah Cawtah...
Station 1 (one) GOP poll watcher at each box and take pics of anyone with more than one ballot....
[quote]Yeah….he’s a liberal and yeah he will probably screw everything up[/quote]How much has the "Muslim Invasion" affected traditional British values and their politics? Is the UK still the UK?...
The latest is screening questions before new post-debate Biden interviews so he'll have all the correct responses and appear "normal". How do these things just go "POOF" in the voter's mind come election day?...
I still think Vivek is the best choice, but I wish he'd change his last name to "Smith"....
Cotton embodies traditional values - grounded in principle. He's not complicated and would resonate with voters....
[quote]Helena Moreno[/quote]She's got my vote... [img]https://i.imgur.com/9iroaXp.png[/img] But alas, she's the wrong color. NOLA will be forever the Tribal Jungle....

re: Side Hustles

Posted by tigerpawl on 7/6/24 at 8:11 pm
[quote]DM's are only available for premium members here.[/quote] ?...
You've got to be delusional if you think Biden isn't going to resign. I need to lay down a few bucks on this. Low-hanging fruit. Any betting joints taking bets on it?...
[quote]The Heritage Foundation are a bunch of dipshit loons.[/quote]Really? Like when Kevin Roberts ripped the Davos Elite to shreds - to their faces - in Davos? BTW - Roberts is from Lafayette, LA [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5rV5aVRYeg[/embed]...

re: Might vote for Joe?

Posted by tigerpawl on 7/6/24 at 4:41 pm
[quote]HubbaBubba[/quote]How many posts did you have when you had 1 post? Who gave you permission to go to 2? [img]https://i.imgur.com/wBAYv5r.png[/img] ...

re: Might vote for Joe?

Posted by tigerpawl on 7/6/24 at 4:37 pm
[quote] My son told me he wants to vote for Joe.[/quote]Obviously, you're still buying his groceries....

re: Trump is NOT a Convicted Felon

Posted by tigerpawl on 7/6/24 at 4:36 pm
[quote]Good point, but I think it's worth it to state the truth. [/quote]It demonstrates their lack of accuracy and impetuous zeal to discredit the opposition. Tossing propaganda grenades......
[quote]August 12[/quote] that only leaves two weeks before the Democrat convention. I said July 20....