Bobby Petrino’s phone records have been revealed ala a Freedom of Information Act request, and the information is not good. Here are some findings that reporters in Arkansas have tweeted...

* The week of the Alabama game, Petrino’s 1st phone call each morning was to Dorrell for 4 straight days at 5:52 am on Tuesday, 6:35 am on Wednesday, 5:49 am on Thursday, and 7:55 am on Friday

* The day before a road game against Vanderbilt (31-28 win), 84 text messages were exchanged

* On Oct. 17, the two exchanged 73 text messages
And here is a pic of their texting in highlighted form...

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The dude probably doesn't even have an unlimited texting plan. Fool.
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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Jimbeaux153 months
Why doesn't he have his own private cell phone? I carry a work phone and a private phone. I guess that $50 per month data plan was too steep for his budget.
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km153 months
(It's brought many of good men to their ruin.)

He couldn't have been too good if he had to get her a job just to get a little. :))
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cardee2003153 months
wow they were in love!!!
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foshizzle153 months
What is it with Arky football coaches and texting younger women? First Nutt and now this?
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SOL153 months
It's brought many of good men to their ruin.
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