Urban Meyer says he is disappointed in published reports that said he showed favoritism to star players and oversaw a Florida program that winked at disciplinary problems...

"Speaking on a Big Ten coaches teleconference on Wednesday, Meyer says he did favor players who worked hard on the field and in the classroom.

In a three-month investigation of Meyer's tenure at Florida, which he left due to health problems after the 2010 season, the Sporting News quoted former players who said Meyer and his staff had different rules for the best players."
Did favors? Sounds like favoritism.
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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UKWildcatsFAN154 months
The dude won two national championship at Florida, get off his nuts.
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CajunBandit154 months
IIRC Meyer said he was leaving to spend more time with his family, not due to health concerns. I remember the post-Tebow not-a-heartattack he had, but seems like he made clear that was not his motivation to leave.
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