Georgia coach Mark Richt will undergo hip surgery this offseason due to a swing set injury he sustained in the early 1990s while trying to impress his wife.

“I was swinging really high on a big heavy swing set with those big heavy chains,” Richt told Jeff Schultz of the Atlanta Journal Constitution. “When I come back down, the chain on [on the right] stayed taut and the other one just goes. I turned sideways and the first thing that hits the ground is my left hip. Just smashed it.”

The pain went away until recently when he re-aggravated the old injury while continuing with his P90X workout routine despite constant pain.

“I thought I just had a hip-flexor injury,” Richt said. “But I said if I quit now I’m just going to get fat. So I just kept doing it.”
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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Tommy Patel142 months
"due to a swing set injury he sustained in the early 1990s while trying to impress his wife."

I cannot judge a man who is crazy about his wife.
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TJRibMe142 months
Hmm, there appears to be a correlation between underperforming SEC coaches and bad hips.
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I'll Be Good142 months
"...while continuing with his P90X workout routine despite constant pain."

Respect. I've always liked Richt :bow:
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StrangeBrew142 months
He is not very bright!
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