The girl who was riding on the motorcycle with Petrino, Jessica Dorrell, was engaged to the Director of Swimming and Diving Operations at Arkansas, Josh Morgan. According to one report, Morgan, has left that position.

"However, Josh Morgan is no longer the Director of Swimming and Diving Operations at Arkansas.

The unfortunate affair has cost him his job (whether it be from intimidation, firing, or resignation is unclear). Former graduate assistant Megan Haskins has been promoted to take over his spot."
Poor guy...

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myree154 months
yeah - he'll get all kinda women
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stonedbegonias154 months
He's gonna get tons of sympathy lovin.
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diddydirtyAubie154 months
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PsychTiger154 months
His fiance may not have been frickin him, but Arkansas just did.
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diddydirtyAubie154 months
The headline title is misleading FWIW.
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