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Texas A&M is partnering with to auction off a Texas state license plate that reads “12THMAN” between August 12th and September 12th, with the winning proceeds benefiting the school and the General Revenue Fund of Texas.

“This is the first time 12THMAN has ever been available on a Texas license plate, and it could be the last,” read a press release issued by the school on July 1st. “The winner of the 12THMAN Auction wins this plate for a 10-year term, with first dibs on renewing the plate after that. The winner also has full rights to transfer or sell the plate to someone else.”
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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thatdude1985138 months
The 12thman that got fricked by the 11th man would be more fitting.
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CtotheVrzrbck138 months
Shouldn't that plate actually go to the 12th man?
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Maroon Flash138 months
This plate will auction for a great big pile of money
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