If you get busted for shoplifting in Rosenberg, TX. the Rosenberg police department puts your face on a “Most Unwanted” poster. This is unfortunate for Texas A&M DB Victor Davis, who was recently arrested for shoplifting at a Kohl’s in his hometown of Rosenberg. Not the kind of poster he saw himself being on one day, I'm sure.

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Filed Under: SEC Football
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Rebel Land Shark121 months
Who the hell shoplifts an amusement park
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BuddyLAM121 months
Fiesta getting hit hard
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betweenthebara122 months
I thought we were secretly paying all of our players. He should have had the money.
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Pavoloco83122 months
Why do people jeopardize careers, educational opportunities, scholarships, etc over a 50 dollar hoodie type thing? What dopes. Not only do you get a police record, but the merchant usually will sue you in civil court for damages at a value multiple times the value of the item. Just stupid on many levels.
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