Jeremy Brevard-USA TODAY Sports
With the newly SEC Network now available to more than 90 million people nationwide, it is likely to bring in a lot of money for ESPN, The Conference, and the Schools.

But not the players...

South Carolina head coach Steve Spurrier, made that clear to his players as well:
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RoyalAir121 months
Pavloco, Spurrier made those comments before the news about autonomy broke. In the same interview, he mentioned getting those players pocket money stipends.

He's on point. As usual.
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Pavoloco83121 months
Spurrier is funny but talks out of his arse from time to time. The NCAA granted the big 5 conferences autonomy on some rule making today. that means, that this big money will be at conference descretion on how its spent, including additional funds for student athletes. This includes the full cost of college attendance beyond tuition and books.
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TutHillTiger121 months
The Ole Ball Coach, great in quips as always
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