Well, here's a creative recruitment piece that isn't a 4-year old's portrait of a player, like we've seen as of late. Kentucky sent offensive lineman commit Logan Stenberg 16 different pieces of a puzzle that when put together forms a graphic for an ESPN ’30 for 30' film about him. This is cool...

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Filed Under: SEC Football
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chesty127 months
all BS aside, that is a really creative way to get someone's attention
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thesoccerfanjax127 months
@LSUPete....Kentucky is harder to get into than LSU, chief. Barely. Not that either school is hard to get into.
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LSU 318 LSU127 months
This is kinda cool
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lsu480127 months
That puzzle looks difficult!
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LSU_PETE_2012127 months
It's actually just an admissions test. If he's smart enough to put it together, he's smart enough for Kentucky. Nothing but the truth.
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RileyTime127 months
If I were a recruit, my reaction to this would be "What the frick is this shite?"
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